Calum Hood Imagine#1

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Calum imagine for +Nirvana Slushiees 

 Your first kiss: 

 You and Calum were working on a history project together at his house.

 "Alright I think we should take a break."

 "Ok but we have to make it short because we have a lot to get done." 

"Relax, y/n. We'll get it done in time." 

Calum decided to tell you some jokes to try to get you to stop being so serious. 

"Knock knock."

 "Who's there?"

 "I forgot to finish the joke...oops." 

"You're so lame." you said while laughing.

 "Let's see how lame I am after I...TICKLE you!" 


He tackled you on his bed, tickling you continuously. You were laughing so hard that water was coming out of your eyes. 

"S-sto-op I-I ca-an't b-breathe." you said in between laughs. 

"Then say that I'm the coolest and the hottest guy you've ever seen." 


"Then more tickling for you!" he said about to tickle you again. 

"NO! NO! Ok ok. Fine, you win." 

"Then say it." 

"Calum is the coolest and the hottest guy I've ever seen. There I said it." 

He laughed and that suddenly made you conscious of the position that you were in. He was hovering over you and you could feel his warm breath on your cheek. Suddenly Calum just leaned in and kissed you. At first it was soft and shallow but he quickly deepened it and made it more rough once you kissed back. 

 "Wow." you both said in unison once you pulled away. 

 What just happened?

 "Did we just-" 


 "Is it bad that I liked it?"

 "I liked it too y/n."

 That's the end. Sorry if it sucked~S💕

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