Cardinal Copia Imagine#1

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Cardinal Copia for @verincopia

You're insecure and he makes you feel better:

You were staring at yourself in the mirror at the home you shared with your long-time boyfriend, Cardinal Copia. His bandmates were coming over today and you were trying to find something to wear but you just felt so uncomfortable in everything you picked out. You finally settled on wearing an oversized jumper with black leggings letting your insecurities get the best of you.

After getting dressed, you joined the boys in the living room. You were all talking have a good time when you decided to get some water from the kitchen where Papa Emeritus III was grabbing a bag of chips.

"Hi y/n." He said noticing your presence.
"Hey." You responded softly.
"Is that really what you decided wear?" He said with disgust.
"I-I umm..."
"I mean I can't say I'm surprised though. It's not like you could pull off much else with the body you have." He said laughing before leaving with the bag of a chips.

You were still standing there stunned and upset. There were tears welling up in your eyes. You forgot all about the water and just rushed into the bedroom you shared with your boyfriend. You looked into the mirror and started crying believing Papa Emeritus III hurtful words.

Noticing your absence, your boyfriend came looking for you. As he approached your bedroom, he heard soft cries and quickened his pace. He opened the door and found you sitting in the dark in front of the mirror crying.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" He asked his heart breaking seeing you so upset.
"Wh-why are you even w-with me?" You managed to get out between sobs.
"What? Where is this coming from?" He asked concerned.
"I-I'm so ugly and fat. I'm not g-good enough for you!" You cried while staring at the mirror.
"Baby, you're perfect. You're so beautiful. I don't care what anyone says or thinks. You're perfect the way you are and you most certainly aren't fat," he said softly.
"Y-you're just saying that because I'm your girlfriend," you state.
"No babe, I really do think you're beautiful because you are! I know it's hard sometimes but you need to believe that you are beautiful because you are. Don't let anyone make you believe anything different."
"Thank you," you said softly now more calm.

He holds you in his arms while stroking your back to calm you down. You soon stop crying. You move your head off of his chest to look at him. He takes his free hand and wipes away your tears. He kisses your forehead and holds you close once more.

Hope you like it ~S💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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