Johnny Cade X Minnie

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Minnie's pov
My real name is Maxine but since I hated my name and I was short my best friend Two-Bit nick names me Minnie when we where 4 years old and it stuck, now everyone knows me as Minnie.

"Hey" My boyfriend Johnny Cade said as he walked into the Curtis house with Dallas Winston by his side. Me and Two where watching Mickey, Darry was in the kitchen, soda and Steve where at work, and Ponyboy just came out of his room from doing homework.

"Johnny!" I got up and hugged him.

"Hey uh...we need to talk" he grabbed my hand and brought me outside

"What's wrong Johnny?" I asked

"I have found someone new Minnie...she is a sick girl, Emma. I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you" Johnny said his voice cracking and he cried then ran away. Emma, she was the tall beautiful German girl with blonde hair and blue eyes with a beauty mark on top of her lip. She was beautiful of course Johnny would leave me for her. I was Short dark skinned with big long curly hair and dark eyes. I broke down crying. I was sobbing hitting the ground. The door opened and I felt someone swoop me up. I looked up to see Twobit a concerned look plastered on his face.

"J-J-Johnny broke up with me" I got out crying into his chest. "He said he found someone new, Emma...the soc girl" I cried harder

"That son of a bitch! Ok shhh it's's ok" he said petting my hair. He carried me inside and layed me down.

"Why is the girl crying?" Dallas asked rolling his eyes

"Johnny broke up with her" twobit sighed

"What? Johnny loves her why would he do that" Dallas said

"He dose not love me anymore" I yelled. The door opened and Soda and Steve came through.

"Are you alright darling?" Soda asked

"Do I fucking look alright?!" I lashed out

"Sorry sorry" soda apologiezed

"Johnny broke up with her" Pony explained causing me to cry more

"Why would h-" Steve started to ask

"He found someone else" I cried and let Twobit explain the rest. Steve looks like he is going to blow his shit and soda looks sympathetic. Soon the door opens and Johnny is standing there.

"Why the hell would you do that you little shit" Steve yelled but soda held him back. Two got me off of him so I would be laying down and he stood up and walked over to Johnny.

"You broke Minnie's heart Johnny! She is like my little sister! You are a little punk as bitch" two yelled shaking Johnnys shoulders. Dallas got twobit off of Johnny. Darry had his arms crossed and shook his head.

"Johnny why the hell break the girls heart? You love her" Dallas sighed

"Cause I don't love her anymore! She is ugly and stupid and worthless and a whore" Johnny cried but that is when two bit smacked Johnny and tackled him. Dallas got twobit off of Johnny.

"That don't sound like you man" Ponyboy told Johnny

"Yeah the Johnny Cade I know loves his girl" Darry said walking out of the Kitchen. Johnny started to cry and shake and soon enough he was having a panic attack. I sighed and walked over there hugging Johnny and walking him through the steps on how to stop. Soon he stopped and looked at me. I went to brush his hair out of his eyes but he flinched.

"Minnie I'm so sorry" Johnny cried. "The Soc got to my head and they also told me that if I did not break up with you that they would kill you with three switch" he cried and soon I cried to. He sat me in his lap and he played with my hair. "You are beautiful smart and worth so much" he whispered. I hugged him and kissed his lips tenderly.

"I forgive you baby"


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