Find Me (Dark's P.O.V)

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My whole existence? my countdown to death began when I was created by a man who was the king of the Geurdos, they weren't very fond of that idea but they couldn't protest and neither could I....I was just of that as a puppet, to follow orders, obey, do what was needed or be burned and destroyed receiving a fate worse than death. I welcomed death it was better than serving that man.

I sighed and leaning against the ruined tree on the little sand isle in the middle of shin deep water, this place...this temple had always been the only thing I knew of I didn't know of the outside world...nothing....but it wouldn't matter in a while....the hero clad in green would come and fight me either way....if I defeated him or if he defeated me I'd be dead and out of ganondorf's one can reach another from death...

Sighing again I stiffened feeling the presence of the hero in the was almost time....time to die either way. I stood as the door to my room opened.....I hid behind the tree at first. "Finally Link! The mini boss room!" A chime of a female voice came from a blue ball of light near the hero's, who was apparently named link, head. "Yeah...huh where's the mini boss?" He asked and glanced around and stopped when I stepped out from behind the tree. "Hello" I simply said, the ball of light flew around my head "dark link your opposite armed and dangerous be careful link!" She warned "thanks navi!" He called back. Dark that's my name dark link....made sense I was only a pitch black outline of the hero....with pure blood red eyes. I pulled out my sword as link tightened his grip on his. I attacked and he countered....whatever I did he countered and vise versa. I glared at him and jumped landing on his blade he looked at me like it was no fair, I smirked and flipped backwards kicking his jaw and landed on my feet. He gripped his jaw and after he regained himself he tossed his sword aside and charged me with his shield bashing my sword out of my hands and knocked me to the cold water flooded floor.

My tunic and hair was now soaked, I hated the cold but I have never experienced the warmth so I wouldn't know anything else...I shivered under the hero "get off me!" I hissed at him, he got off and I sat up rubbing my arms as my teeth chattered. "You okay?" He asked....I couldn't believe I actually answered but I just...couldn't ignore him "c-cold" was all I said for a response. He smiled a little "me too I guess that's what I get for doing that huh?" He replied.....he wasn't going to kill me? sword had skid to the other side of the room...I thought it be suicide to try and grab it so I just moved back onto my isle leaning against the tree shivering still.

Link scooted closer to the isle at sat crisscrossed at my feet. "'m link!" He tried to start some kind of conversation. ".....dark link" I mumbled even though he already knew "ha-ha yeah....hmm how about I call you dark instead? So it won't be confusing!?" He chirped. I was surprised at his sunny attitude, his thin pale lips were turned up into a smile, his blue eyes shimmering, his skin looked soft, his blonde hair a bit wet from the water, his green tunic stuck to his chest, soaked. He looked....attractive? Was that the word?.....I think so....I envied him he had a face a form he was complete I wasn't...."what's wrong?" He asked genuine concern in his voice, "you...have a form....a face....I do not....I'm incomplete" I mumbled and he laughed "you do too! See?! I see two ears-- he ran a finger over my ears-- a mouth --he tapped my lips-- a nose-- he pinched the bridge of my nose gently-- and two eyes!" He finished and I sighed "more like red lights...." I mumbled and he laughed "look at your reflection" he said I leaned over and looked, he was right! I had a face! A form! Tanned skin, shimmering red eyes, silvery white hair, and a little fang poking out the corner of my mouth. I looked at myself and ran my fingers, that now had black fingerless gloves/ gauntlets on them, over my face through my hair. "I....I'm not just...a shadowy figure anymore...." I whispered and looked at him, when I did he was dangerously close to my face. "Nn!!" I jolted and fell back into the water "gya!" I yelped. Link helped me back over onto the isle and ruffled my hair a bit "you okay?" He asked and I shivered worse than before.

Link sighed and bit his lip "hmm....dark?" He called and I looked at him teeth chattering "would you like to come to the outside world with me?" He asked and I stiffened. "The...outside world?!" I got a bit excited "you'd actually take me from here!?" I stood up and looked at him. "Yeah! I would I mean we are so tied that even if we kept fighting we'd never get a hit in eachother so what's the point?" He said. It what was I was thinking the entire time I've been here. He understood, he stood up and grabbed our swords, I took mine putting it back in the sheath and he put his away too. "Come with me dark and help me defeat ganon" he said, I stiffened "defeat ganon?.....nn--" I stopped and thought if that man was gone I could be free! " yes I'll join you" I replied.

We left the temple after defeating the boss and saving princess ruto together, standing in the sunlight it was so much hotter out here than it was in the cool temple, I was already sweating. I wiped my brow and looked at Link who was going over to a chestnut coloured horse across the bridge, I followed the sun beating down on me. "L-link...I...I'm too ho---" I didn't get to finish that sentence because I passed out and flopped to the grass under me.

Find Me {link x dark link lovestory}Where stories live. Discover now