Keep Me

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I woke up in a bed with cloth tucked over and around me and a cold wet cloth on my forehead, I sat up slowly and looked around the room "link?" I called and started to panic "link!? Link!!?" I called again and he poked his head into the room "what's wrong dark? He said and walked over, I sat there and stared at him "I thought you left me I didn't see you when I woke up" I said softly and he smiled slightly and pet my head "it's alright I was only making us food with malon" my ears perked "food?....and wait....who is malon?" I asked and he snickered "she's a farm girl at lon lon ranch that's were I brought you" he explained and I frowned "a ranch? What's that" I asked and he bit his lip so he wouldn't laugh "a ranch is a place where a lot of animals like pigs and horses and cows even cuccos are taken care of and raised for things they produce!" He explained and I kind of understood but I was still a little confused but I didn't push the subject but I had to ask "what are cuccos?" Link stiffened "cuccos are evil lil birds that are down right mean and attack you...sometimes.....well they attack me...not anyone else really" he blushed embarrassedly.

I laughed a little and sat up rubbing my head "I guess you were in that temple so long you got used to cold so we'll wait for nightfall when it's cooler so you won't pass out again okay?" Link said and smiled, I nodded and stood up a little wobbly and looked at him with a slight smile. we went to the dining room/kitchen and i saw who malon apparently was a girl with reddish orange hair that was down to her waist, big blue eyes,  white top and a pink skirt, she was kinda cute but not my cup of tea.....whatever that saying means.  Malon looked at us and smiled "oh! hey there! i'm malon, you're friends with link?" she asked and put her arms around link as if she was saying he belonged to her or something. "u-um well....i suppose you could say that....he did help me get out of the temple i was stuck in an--" she suddenly cut me off "what!!? you're the /thing/ who is working for ganon!? your what link had to destroy?!" she looked at link like 'why didn't you do it!', i bowed my head "'m the /thing/ he was supposed to kill....but he didn't......" i said quietly and looked at link who looked at malon "malon that wasn't nice to call him a thing he is his own person and he deserves to be treated like a person and not a monster" he said firmly and she looked at him with her big blue eyes then at me narrowing said eyes in anger "whatever you say...." she mumbled and set the table "dinner's ready" she said, i turned and went to go sit in the room i woke up in, i wasn't very hungry after that conversation.

 I frowned and sat on the bed looking at myself in the mirror on the wood table next to the bed, i did look like a normal person but inside...all i all i a monster.....a thing to be used......a puppet made by ganon. Something warm brimmed in my eyes making my vision blurred i panicked "gyah! l-link!" i called and rubbed my eyes as he came running in "what's wrong?" he asked and knelt before me "something is in my blurred my vision and it was warm" i explained still rubbing them feeling the warmth on my fingers, link held my hands away from my eyes "you're crying dark those warm things blurring your vision are tears" he explained i looked at him, i felt the warmth down my cheeks dripping off my chin "tears....crying....but....why?" i asked i was so new to everything now i felt like a burden to him for asking so many stupid questions but he calmly answered "it happened when you're sad, what malon said must've caused it she is just all five kinds of protective of me we've known eachother for a long while so don't worry alright? im sure she didn't mean it" he tried to console me and sat next to me on the bed, and began stroking my hair, i sighed softly liking the feeling and rested my head against his shoulder. Link chuckled a little "okay thats it im keeping you" he said and wrapped his arms around me and nudged my head with his nose "k-keep me?" i asked and he shushed me and continued to give me affection i felt heat rise to my cheeks and i let him 'keep me huh?....i wonder what he means.....but he seems happy about the idea so i guess it can't be too bad to be kept' i smiled and nudged him back.

((soooo soo soooo sorry it took me so long my lovelies but here we are! chapter 2!! hehe ~ love PA))

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