It Begins

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While I was wondering what link meant by keeping me his hands had trailed down my sides and rested on my leg, gently petting. I jumped a little and looked at him "oh sorry dark" he said softly and pulled his hand back "its okay.....but what do you mean by keep me?" I asked and he smiled "I'm going to protect you, and care for you" he said and hugged me again, I smiled softly and rested my head on his shoulder "link....if malon doesn't like me do you think we should just leave now?" I asked him and he shook his head "its still too hot out you'll pass out again we'll wait for night fall" he said and moved my silver hair from my face and kissed my forehead. I gulped down a lump in my throat and felt heat rush to my cheeks, he chuckled "why are you blushing?" He asked me and I shook my head as I quickly answered "nothing it's nothing! Ha-ha" I laughed nervously.....'why WAS I blushing? What does it even mean!!?? Eek!' I thought and bit my lip. Link convinced me to go get the food malon made and eat something "I never really had any food in the temple before" I said before taking a bite and my eyes lit up "mmmm~" he hummed in content and kept eating "so good" I said and wolfed it down realizing how absolutely hungry I was. I held up my plate when I finished "c-could I....have some more please?" I asked smiling softly and she smiled "oh alright you got some very good manners dark" she said and gave me some more and I ate it.

Later when night fell link got Epona woken up "sorry to wake you up girl but we gotta get going" he said to her and packed her saddle bag with food, supplies and a few other things, then came in the house and went to the bathroom, I was in the shower getting used to heat the only way Malon suggested 'increase the heat of the water little by little' she said and I signed softly it was at a nice warm temp, I ran my hands over my form I hadn't gotten to actually see my whole body. I had a nice tan even where my clothes were covering, I smiled softly and washed up as Malon instructed me and sighed happily "that feels nice" I hummed as I washed my hair, I yelped as some suds got into my eyes "ow ow ow ow!" I yelped and link poked his head into the bathroom "what's wrong dark?" He asked "I got suds in my eyes it burns!" I whined and he held my chin, moved my head out of the shower, took a cloth and wiped the suds out of my eyes "there better?" He asked and I nodded "yes thank you" I said and he smiled "finish up so we can head off alright?" He said and went to wait outside the room.

I got out and dried off with a towel Malon gave me and I got my clothes on buckling on my boots and went out to link my hair soaked and plastered flat to my head as I tried to fix my hat on my head "okay I'm ready" I said and he looked at me "dark you need to dry your hair you'll get a cold if you are out with wet hair in the cold air" he said and ruffled my wet hair and I looked at him "oh?....alright" I nodded and he grabbed the towel I had brought outside with me and took off my cap, and towel dried my hair. Ruffling and drying it and it got it all fluffy. "There you go dark" he said and smiled and I blushed softly.

"Your blushing again" he teased and got onto Epona and helped me up. I huffed softly with a smile and we waved goodbye to Malon as Epona trotted off, "so.....where do we go next?" I asked him. "We're going to kakariko village we need to go through the shadow temple an--" he got cut off by Navi "link we need to go to the Geurdo Valley first!" she said and link shook his head "I wanna get it out of the way navi just trust me" he told her and I wrapped my arms around him tightly and he glanced back "what's wrong dark?" He asked "I sort of.....helped Ganon make it......I can help you get through it...." I said softly feeling bad for helping create it.

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