Final Battle (part 2)

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   The fight had lasted hours until link and I looked at each other before he grabbed my arm and swung me around before throwing me at ganon and I slashed across his chest making the geurdo king fall to the ground as I came down and saved myself from injury with a roll and landed at link's feet. We turned to look at the fallen man and then at each other with a grin " we did it!!" I exclaimed and jumped up to hug Link "yeah we did! oh the princess!" he said and turned his attention to her descending from her crystal prison and we hurried over. "Princess" we said unison and bowed slightly to her and she smiled "you did so well Link...Dark Link...thank you bo---" she stopped as the whole castle began to tremble and crumble around us. Link grabbed the princess's hand and we began to run out of the crumbling castle, dodging falling debris and such. "He is trying to bring the castle and us down with him!" Zelda exclaimed and we all got out safely sliding ourselves out of the way of the collapsing doorway and stood on the now flat platform.

  We grinned at each other and I jumped and cheered "whoo!! we won!! We defeated ganon!!" I cheered and threw my arms around Link's neck and hugged him. Zelda smiled softly and shook her head slightly "I see you two have gotten very close" she commented "link i wish to apologi---" she was once again cut off as the ground trembled and Ganon arose from the rubble and the triforce of power shined on his hand and I gulped "oh no" I whimpered and Ganon began to transform, his body becoming bigger and more animal like as he turned from Ganondorf into Beast King Ganon....a giant demonic looking boar. "Yikes! Link!" I exclaimed and he told me to stay back but I didn't want to listen.....

The fight had gone on what seemed like hours and I was hurled backwards after an attack and crashed into a big slab of rubble and laid on the ground. Link looked over but was tossed aside with a horn as ganon lifted a big clawed hand and impaled my gut with one of the nails making an ear splitting blood curdling scream echo through the practically empty place. Link's head jolted up to look and his eyes widened, he stood and rushed at ganon running up his tail and along him back before attacking with a new vigor. It wasn't long before link did away with ganon with Zelda's help, I had passed out from blood loss....

When I awoke I was laying in a pool of my own blood as Link desperately tried to heal me with the ocarina of time playing the song of healing but his breath was wavering and he was crying making it hard to do so. He set it aside and grabbed the master sword cutting bits off his tunic to make bandages from and wrap me up best he could "dark please...please stay with me" he cried and the tears dripping from his eyes pit pat pit pat on my cheeks as he looked down at me. " much" I weakly murmured before jolting at the touch of the princess "'ll get blood on you" I said to her softly and she shook her head, picked up the ocarina and began to play.....her lullaby. Link suddenly screamed "no!! No don't! Please! If he goes back to sleep he may never wake up!!!" He sobbed and held onto me tightly yet carefully. "Link please he needs his rest...if he is to heal" she informed him and he shook his head "I don't want him to die....please dark....please" he begged me but I was slowly drifting back into unconsciousness as he vision blurred and I could feel my heart beating in my ears.....and then everything went dark and cold as I lost consciousness.....

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