Trapped (part 2)

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  Link and I had gotten off epona to look less noticeable as he led epona by her reigns. We walked halfway past the Gerudo camp before I tumbled losing my footing on the shifty sand dune and toppled down in and landed at a gerudo guard's feet "u-uh oh" i mumbled and looked up at the woman and smiled weakly "u-um hello" I greeted shyly and she pointed her spear at me "Hero of Time come with me" she said but not at me, she was looking at Link who had stopped when i fell, epona wasn't there anymore he must've sent her off so she could be safe. I slowly stood up as he came walking over "leave him alone he did nothing wrong...we are just passing by" Link explained and the woman shook her head "Come with me Hero." she demanded again and he sighed softly before walking with her towards the inner camp leaving me there to think of what to do. "hold on! hold on!" i exclaimed and followed them and held onto Link's arm "you can't take him! I won't be able to do anything without him with me! I'm defenseless I don't even know how to use a sword! Please!" I pleaded making up a huge lie and she shook her head apparently not taking sympathy on me, instead she grabbed my arm and pried me off Link throwing me aside and i landed in a bale of hay for their horses. I groaned and looked at her with teary red eyes "if you won't let him go then take me with him too!" i begged and she huffed. 

 "execute him already" she said softly and my eyes widened and Link stiffened "NO!!" he shouted and stood between her and me. "I was going to go peacefully but now I won't go anywhere without him! He goes with me, you let us both go, or you let him go UNHARMED! choose!" he snarled and kept a hand on my wrist to make sure I was near him. The gerudos looked at us with narrowed eyes before one one them stepped forward her  "you are foolish young Hero" she said with a tone of disappointment in her voice and he growled a bit drawing his sword "Link..." I whimpered softly and he looked at me "draw your sword or run Dark....I want you to be safe....take this" he said softly and slipped the ocarina of time under my cloak and i stuffed it into my pouch carefully "it's what HE wants..." Link murmured before turning back to the gerudos "I'm not going down without a fight" he said and they all attacked and he let out a loud "HYAH!!" of attack as he fought. I kept running, running......running until i stumbled and fell into the sand tumbling down a sand dune, landing face first in the hot sand. My vision got blurry as I tried to get up, the heat was too intense...too much.....everything went black as i passed out in the sand, the wind blowing around covering me in the hot grains.

 I woke up my arms bound tight behind me as i laid on a hard sandstone floor; my sword, shield, and cloak gone. "where...?" i mumbled softly sitting up slowly and looked around the large room made entirely of sandstone I blinked and saw link with his arms chained up behind him and i scooted over "Link!" i exclaimed softly and nudged him with my boot "link please wake up" i whisper yelled and he slowly opened his eyes to look at me as he began to work his hands on the chains to get himself free. "shh Dark why are you here?" he asked and I shrugged "I'm not sure i was running and i slipped and tumbled down a sand dune until i landed and i passed out from the sword shield and cloak are yours" i said softly "wait....wait where's the ocarina?" he asked and i nudged my knee up to press it against a hidden pouch under my tunic in my belt area. "right here" i mumbled and he nodded "good....good" he sighed and got his hands free before he sat up "common we need to get out of here" he said and stood up "Wait....oh dammit! they took my adventure pack" he grumbled. 

"what are we gunna do now that had all your stuff in it" i mumbled and he huffed "i'll need to find it....but how do i get out first...." he mumbled and looked around before looking through the barrels in the room with us "hmm....a Hookshot!" he exclaimed taking out a hookshot from the barrel "perfect there's wood up there i can latch onto it and get out of here....common dark hold onto me" he instructed after using the sharper edge of the hookshot to cut the ropes off my wrists. I stood up and held onto him tightly but in more of a hug and he blinked a bit before holding me "shhh it's okay dark....." he coaxed softly and pet my hair "we'll get out and take down Ganondorf don't worry." he reassured and I nodded with a smile "okay......lets go then" I said softly and held onto him and he held me with one arm as he fired the hook shot and it stuck deep into the wood before he and I were lurched forward and pulled up onto the ledge opening. "phew thats a long way down" I commented softly and he nodded "yeah it is......common lets go" he mumbled as we made our way towards the main area of the Gerudos.

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