The Final Battle (part 1)

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  Link and I looked at the ruins as we got off Epona, it was completely destroyed not even a bit of shade around. "ganon must have caught word of your arrival some how" sheik suddenly appeared and looked at us three. "hmm?'s your 'friend' " I said softly and he also looked at sheik "Oh! sheik! You're alright, that's good....okay um...the temple is destroyed now what do we do!?" he asked and sheik shook his head "the sage is already here and she has already assisted you.....Naboru...thank you" he said and gave a small bow and Naboru looked confused "but i didn't do anything spectacular.....well not that I know of at least" she said rubbing her neck. "perhaps there are answers in the ruins.." Sheik suggested and I looked at him "look, sheik....I don't want to be so rude but you have not really been the best of help....honestly where in the world were you in the temple? no where! i was there" I started to say angrily.

Link looked at me confused "Dark?" he asked but I continued "and another thing! I was the one to help him, who even are you to him!!? We don't even know your face! how can we truly trust someone we don't know the face of!?" I asked and Sheik went to answer and I went to stop him but I myself stopped as Link put a hand on my shoulder "Dark...please calm down..." he said softly and I looked at him "I just....I got a little.....I'm sorry" I apologized and Sheik shook his head "no Dark Link is correct...I have not been entirely helpful and truthful to you Hero...It is because I myself am..." He trailed off and magic swirled around him and everything flowed the sand creating a shield around him until he......stood there looking instead not of a man....but a Princess. 

 "Princess Zelda!?" Link suddenly exclaimed and bowed down to her "p-princess?" I stammered and gulped having just said all that to the PRINCESS!! Dropping to my knees I began to apologize profusely, "I'm so sorry princess! i was unaware of your true identity! I'm sorry! please forgive me!" I said hurriedly and she shook her head "please calm yourself Dark Link....No harm has been done, I actually agree with you" she admitted and I blinked "w-wait....really?" I asked and stood up with Link and held onto his arm "yes Link I have you to apologize to the most" she hummed and held his hand and I felt that twinge again....but ignored it. Suddenly a huge crystal surrounded the princess and lifted her from the ground "ZELDA!!" Link shouted and drew his sword seeing Ganondorf floating in the air "hello there hero..." he said and looked at me angrily "....Dark Link..." he growled and I hid behind Link a bit and the king of the gerudos chuckled darkly at my cowardice. "Give Zelda back Ganon!!" Link shouted and he shook his head "I think not hero.....mothers...take care of him and you will be handsomely rewarded!" he said and the twinrova flew over with a cackle as he flew off with Zelda into his castle.

 I gulped and shook my head and drew my sword "link common we need to go!" I exclaimed and he looked at me then at Ganon's castle "yeah but how are we going to get to it??" he asked and looked at the twinrova and pushed me out of the way quickly "YIKES!!" we shouted and looked up at them "eheheee common sister!! lets get them!" the ice sister cackled and shot her ice at us and Link rolled us both out of the way. "sweet goddesses!" i yelped and we both got up and bobbed and weaved through the ruins. "Link we need to find you the mirror shield! that will reflect their attacks" Navi said flying out of Link's cap, "where are we gunna find that!?" he yelled and he suddenly went down having gotten hit by the ice twin's magic, it crawled up his legs and arms and I urged "link common! get up please!" I shouted and looked at the witches as they were going to attack again and he looked up at me growling softly as he broke free of the ice that had gotten up to his shoulders.

After breaking free he grabbed my hand and resumed running taking his shield out and holding me behind him as he blocked fire attacks from the fire twin. "nnnggghhhh its burning my hand!" he shouted as I buried my face into his back and shouted "STOP!! PLEASE!" I looked up as the twin stopped her attack. Link's hand was burned on his finger tips and I frowned, the twins taunted us then suddenly Naboru yelled "Hero! Catch!" and tossed a mirror shield at him and he caught it just in time to reflect the fire attack that the twin shot at him. They were burned and all three of us hurried out of the ruins. "Where did you find that?!" navi asked "oh i had stolen it earlier on this month an--" she started and navi bounced off her head angrily "IT COULD'VE BEEN HELPFUL SOONER YOU KNOW!!" she shouted and naboru laughed a bit. "look i'm sorry really i am but I just can't help myself ya know" she admitted and rubbed her neck before she began to glow like all the other sages had before her. "h-huh?! I....I guess I really am the Sage of Spirit huh Link?" she said and smiled at him, before looking at me "I hope we all can be of assistance to you two" she added before her and the collective power of the sages created a bridge to Ganon's castle.

The Final Battle......Is coming. As are we prepared.....

 Link and I rushed along the bridge and into the castle slashing at whatever enemies came our way. Rushing into the room where Ganon sat, Zelda trapped in the crystal floating near this huge organ that Ganon was playing. We stood there swords drawn, shields at the ready narrowed angry eyes glaring at the gerudo king, for a whole minute he didn't turn he only played his organ. When he finally did turn he spared us dialogue for once and attacked with his magic. We tucked and rolled out of the way blocking with our shields or sending it back with our swords. Link yelled in attack and lunged forward trying to stab him but Ganon sent him flying, Link's sword flew out of his hands and stabbed into my ankle making me scream, the burn of the sword of evil's bane piercing my body "GYYAAAHHH!!!" I screamed tears filling my eyes as the pain coursed through my very being. "Dark!" Link exclaimed and pulled it out quickly and I collapsed to the floor holding my bleeding ankle sobbing. Ganon cackled and shot lightning at me and Link electrifying us both to the point of frying us. We both laid motionless on the ground until.....I heard humming....a soft song from the princess in her crystal prison. 

 I slowly brought myself to my feet and used my sword to hold myself up "n-nnggh" i groaned. i couldn't fight.....what could i do? i couldn't stand well as it was. I felt dizzy as the blood was gushing from my ankle "ah so you still stand?" Ganon asked and sneered at me, tears streaming down from my face I grabbed Link's ocarina of time that fell from his pouch "you want this? is this what you want!?" I asked screaming at him and I brought the ocarina to my lips and began to play the song of Healing....I don't know where i knew it from but....wait the princess thats the song she's humming! "what are you doing!" Ganon growled and watched as I was healed from the song, I crouched near link and played it again and he slowly got up as he was healed. "n-nngh....Dark?" he asked and looked at me "common....let's finish this" I said confidently and he nodded with a smirk. 

"HA! finish it indeed!!" Ganon roared and the fight began again....

(part one done! whooo! sorry these will be long parts my angels)

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