Chapter 2

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Xylia's POV

Mom pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, she turns to me, "Your Dad and brother are bringing pizza home after dad's work, you'll eat here and I'll take you to camp tonight." She leans her head forward and I do the same letting our foreheads touch. She sighs and gets out of the car.

I grab my bag and follow her inside. A screeching is heard outside and when I reopen my door a fury is flying towards me. "Shoot!" I scramble inside and open the coat closet grabbing my bow and three arrows.

I rush back outside, the fury flying straight towards me yelling, "Where is it hero?! Where thief?" She screams.

I raise my bow and load an arrow aiming at it. I wait two seconds than 3 and then 5 and now 10. I lift the bow all the way up and pull back. 10 feet away from me I shoot. It hits the fury right in the chest and it turns slowly to dust as it falls.

"Xylia what are you doing?" My mom asks peaking out the door and starts to panic when I'm holding the bow.

"I'm fine, but we definitely have to go to camp tonight." I breathe heavily.

"Go pack quickly, we're leaving as soon as you say goodbye." I nod and lower my bow making it up to my room in a rush. I grab my duffel bag and my backpack from my closet. I throw them on to my bed.

"Hello little fawn," a voice says from my bed. I turn quickly on my heals ready for a fight. My mamma sits on my bed.

"Mamma!" I run and hug her. She smiles at me.

"How are you my little fawn?" She hugs me close.

"Good other than the fact that they kicked me out of the school." I shrug my shoulders and open up my duffel bag.

"Who dare disrespect my child?" She yells loudly.

"Actually it was the hydra today said I saw it and they called me crazy." I throw in my swimsuits and a couple of towels along with pajamas and shorts. I grab my favourite blanket from my birthday this year.

"Well Zoe killed that problem." Artemis picks at her nails.

"Good for Zoe, I'm going to camp tonight." I zip up my duffel bag and start to fill my backpack. I shoved in 3 days of outfits and my toiletries along with my e reader and its charger.

"I know, this is why I am here, little fawn." Mamma looks at me in pride. I wonder why though, it kind of makes me scared.

"Why are you here exactly?" I ask closing up my backpack.

"I have a gift for you." She holds a small box with a silver ribbon.


"You are going to need it for this year." She holds the box out to me.

"Why will I need it?" I ask confused pulling at the ribbon.

"All will show in time." Is all she says. I pull the lid off the small box inside sits a celestial bronze bracelet.

"It's beautiful thank you." I lift it up, it has two on charms, a singular arrow and a quiver of arrows.

"Pull at one of the charms," she tells me. I pull in the quiver and it appears in my hand. "Now slam the bracelet in the air." I look confused but hold the bracelet and bring my hand down. The bracelet transforms into a beautiful bow. I gasp.

"This is amazing," I look at the detail on the bow in Ancient Greek it says "Never miss a shot,"

"It's not a magical one like mine but as my child I assume you never miss." She smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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