Chapter 16

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It's been awhile people... Sadly. But I do have a couple chapters written for this story. Yay!


I hope you like this?

Love, El


Dean was still asleep when I awoke. I carefully removed his arm from my stomach and sat on his torso. His hands ran up my legs and rested on my waist when I kissed him. He hummed as I moved his hair from his forehead.

"Good morning, beautiful." Gosh, his morning voice was so sexy.

"Hi." I laid my head on his chest.

"How's your foot?" He asked and nuzzled my hair.

"Alright, I guess." He yawned and ran his right hand up my back, keeping his left around my thigh. "Are you awake yet?" I asked sitting up. He opened one of his eyes but immediately closed it.

"It's too bright."

"My back is to the sun, doofus." I smiled and put my hands in his hair.

"Why can't we just sleep in? We're on a island. There isn't much we can do, princess." I blushed and shrugged my shoulders.

"I figured we could get up and bathe ourselves."

"You're so cute." I buried my face into his neck.

"I'll meet you at the waterfall, alright?" I lifted my head up. His eyes were now open. "Let me wake up and I'll be right there."


"Promise." I held my pinky out. He shook his head, but put his pinky with mine, then he kissed me. "Our little twist on it." I smiled and kissed him again. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed myself off of him.

"I'll see you in a minute."

"Yeah, you will." I looked back to him and he was now on his elbows watching me. I bit my lip and turned around, going into the jungle towards the waterfall. We finally found our way back to it. The was the prettiest thing that we ever saw so of course we wanted to go back.

Dean and I are a thing. I'm pretty sure. I don't know. I just know I like it. The two of us together. A month ago I would've thought one was insane if they told me the two of us would get together. Who would've known our moms would be right?

I giggled and bit my lip. Is this what love feels like? Because I like it.

Before I could think another thought someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulder. I looked up to see that it wasn't Dean. My eyes widened and I began to freak.

"DEAN!" I yelled as loud as I could. "HELP!" I began to kick my legs and hit this man's back.

"Would you stop it?" He yelled.

"DEAAAN!" I yelled again. The man dropped me onto the ground and I quickly stood up and began running. "DEAN!" I cried. He came into view and I tried to run faster.

"AIR, LOOK OUT!" Before I could do anything a man stepped out from the trees and whacked me upside the head with a branch. The last thing I remember was falling to the ground and Dean yelling my name.

I woke up to people screaming. I sat up, but then laid back down when my head began to throb. I put my hand to my head, only to feel a bandage. My eyes widened when I looked around the room.

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