Chapter 36

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Thank you to all of you that are reading this! It means a lot to me because I liked writing it :)

This chapter is kind of short but hopefully you still like it



"So do I get to see your dress?" Dean asked looking at it as it hung on my closet door. Even though there was a black zip up cover over it I shut the door.

"Not until the day of prom."

"But it's been weeks." I rolled my eyes and laid in my bed.

"You only have a few more to go, cutie." He groaned and put his head on my chest, wrapping his arms around me.

"You have to at least tell me the color."

"Black." I put my hand in his hair and began to play with the ends.

"So do I wear black or...?" I laughed and kissed his head.

"We have a ways to go." He groaned and put his head on my chest.

"Babe," He groaned and tightened his arms around me.

"Get up."

"But your comfy." I rolled my eyes.

"You can see the dress but not me in it." He shot up and went to my dress. I wrapped my arms around him as he unzipped the covering.

"You're going to look gorgeous." He told me.

"You always tell me that." He turned around and backed me up to the wall. I bit my lip and put my hands on his chest as he pressed against me.

"Because you are." He whispered. His lips brushed against mine.

"I hate when you do that." He smiled and purposely did it again. I leaned forward but he pushed me back.

"It's better when you wait." His hot breath was now on my neck. His lips touched the skin just below my jaw. I gripped his shirt tightly in my hands.

"Dean," His lips finally touched mine and I pulled him close.

"Lets go you two." Isatu interrupted.

"You two are sort of disgusting." Gavin commented. Sometimes I wanted to punch him.

"I forgot about our double date." I said. Gavin laughed and then was gone from the room.

"We will finish this later." Dean told me before grabbing my hand and we walked downstairs.

"I swear you two are like bunnies." I blushed and Dean laughed.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?" I asked Dean as we sat down at our booth.

"Cause you're hard not to look at."

"Will you two stop being so gooey for ten minutes?" Gavin asked annoyed. "We aren't in a romance movie."

"You should try it sometime, man. They love it which means you get more-" I slapped his arm. He chuckled and bit my earlobe.

"You're so weird." Dean chuckled.

"He's right though." Is said. Gavin looked at her and laughed. Dean's arm rested on the back of the booth. I intertwined my hand with his that was dangling from my shoulder.

"Babe, it's about time I start being gooey." I laughed and so did Dean.

"Get it, man." Dean laughed before taking a drink of his water.

"So prom..."

"No, I'm not joining the committee." I told Isatu while looking at the menu.

"Why not? You were so great at it last year."

"I was a different person then."

"But deep down I know you want to."

"Not really, Is. I just want to relax and not have to worry about anything. It's our first prom." Dean smiled and took another drink of his water.

"How about college?" Gavin asked after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

"Not sure." I muttered. I could feel all eyes on me. "I don't even know where I got in." I shrugged.

"UCLA?" Is asked. I let go of Dean's hand and crossed my arms.


"But it's-"

"Gav, I just got a couple new games wanna come over and play sometime?" Dean interrupted Isatu. I looked away from her glare and down to my hands in my lap. Dean's hand suddenly wrapped around mine.

I looked up to him and he kissed my forehead.

I looked to the envelope in my hand.

"You've been staring at that thing for minutes." Nora said. I looked up and she was leaning against my doorframe.

"I'm scared to open it." She walked in and sat on my bed next to me.

"Stanford?" I nodded.

"It's always been a tie between Stanford and UCLA."

"Why?" She asked. I shrugged. "I think either one you chose will be a good choice." I smiled and she looked down to the envelope. "Uh, if you want I'll open it for you?"

"No, I think I'll do this one." She nodded and got up. "But will you stay with me?" Nora sat back down and waited for me to open it. I took a breath and broke the seal.

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