Chapter 11

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Hey!! It's been awhile... I'm truly sorry for the lack of updates. Thanksgiving is in a couple days and I'll have a few days off of school to write some more. But thank you for your patience, you guys are awesome! 

Love you all!! 

I hope you enjoy this short and hopefully alright chapter. 



Aria's POV 

"Why are you always up so early?" Dean asked. I looked behind my shoulder to see him stretch. My eyes roamed over his arms and torso. How is he so attractive? I shook my head and turned away from him, before he could see me.

"How do you know it's early? We don't know what time it is." I stated. I picked up a handful of sand, only to let it slip through my fingers. 

"Because I'm still tired. If I'm still tired its too early." 

"Then go back to bed." I snapped, standing up and wiping of my shorts. 

"Woah. Hold on. What's wrong?" Dean asked grabbing my arm as I tried to walk past him. 

"Nothing." I lied and looked away from his eyes. My eyes landed on that one tree. The tree where everyday I carved a line, indicating how many days we've been stranded here. From my peripheral vision I saw Dean turn his head to where I was looking. 


"I don't want to hear it, Dean." I tried to pull his hand from my arm, but he wouldn't let that happen. "Dean! I said to stop!" I yelled at him. He backed me up to the nearest tree. 

"Aria, look at me." He demanded. I looked down to the small space between us. 

"You're just going to tell me that everything is alright. But it's not! It's far from alright! I'm terrified." Dean sighed and placed his large hands on the either side of my face. 

"Air," I closed my eyes, a tear falling onto my cheek. I took a breath before opening my eyes and looking to Dean. 

"I'm going crazy." I told him with tears falling onto his hands. His thumbs softly ran over my skin. I rose my hands to Dean's wrists. "We've been here for fifteen days." I shook my head. "All I can think about is what everyone is probably doing." He pulled me to him and kissed my forehead, before I said anymore. 

"Someone is going to find us soon." I groaned and pushed him away from me.  But he immediately came back putting his hands back on my face. I didn't want to start anything with him so I just let it go.

"How do we even know that people could be looking for us? For all we know, everyone is home now and enjoying life." I closed my eyes and laid my head against the tree. 

If we weren't found soon I was going to end up crazy. I don't know how many more berries and bananas I can take. Not only is it the food, but I still don't feel good about this island. 

"Look at me." Dean said softly. When I looked to him he placed his forehead on mine. "You and I are going to be just fine. You have me and I have you." He paused and smiled. "For right now, I'm okay with that. Over the fifteen days here I have enjoyed every moment with you. You know why?" 

"Because you hate everyone?" 

"No, because... I fucked up." 

"Why are you telling me something I already know?" I wiped the tears from my face and then sniffled.

"You didn't let me finish. Because I think-" He stopped talking and gulped.

"Dean?" I whispered as his eyes landed on my lips. He looked back up to me. 

"C-Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly. I was honestly shocked by the question. He wanted to kiss me? Why?

I took a step closer, silently answering him. Dean tilted his head and I closed my eyes. When his lips touched mine I tightened my grip on his wrists. My legs suddenly felt weak and I couldn't think straight. His kiss made everything in the world seem alright. Like we were back home and not stranded on an island.

"I've waited too long to do that." He said. I smiled and pulled his head back to mine. I moved my hands to his hair and tugged lightly. He groaned and moved a hand to my waist. I pulled away from him and placed my forehead against his. 

"You're lips are swollen." I giggled and ran my thumb over them. He smiled. 

Later in the day, Dean built us a fire to lay by. His back was against the log and mine was pressed to his chest. His arms were tightly wrapped around my waist and my hands were laced with his. I smiled as I looked down to our hands. 

"What are you smiling about?" He asked kissing my neck. I unlaced one of my hands from his and put it on the back of his head. 

"Who would've thought it would've turned out like this?" He gave me a questioning look. "The two of us." He smiled and rested his head on mine. 

"Our moms." He whispered. 

"How long have you had a crush on me?" I asked. His cheeks reddened and he tried to turn his head. "No," I laughed and kissed him. "Don't." 

"Ever since I can remember." My mouth dropped open and he chuckled. He then became serious. "But we grew apart and you started seeing that idiot." 

"You mean Cameron?" His jaw clenched and the hand still holding mine tightened. I smiled and unwrapped myself from him. I turned around in the sand to face Dean. I put my hands onto his face and smiled when he sighed, relaxing. His hands found my waist and he pulled me closer. 

"He's an idiot, Dean. I'm over him. Have been for a while." I bit my lip before saying my next sentence. "Besides, I like someone else." His eyes quickly opened. "He has brown hair, brown eyes, nice arm muscles," I ran my hands down his arms and he pulled me even closer. "And he's a terrible kisser." 

"That's a lie." He smiled. I shook my head. "Just an hour ago you told me how good of a kisser I was." 

"I lied." Before I could process what he was doing I was pinned to the sand, being tickled. 

"Take it back!" He yelled over my laughter. 

"Dean!" I laughed. 

"You better take it back, Aria." I squirmed around, but he was too strong. 

"Fine!" I yelled as my stomach began to hurt. "You're the best kisser in the world!" He stopped tickling me and smiled. 

"In the world? Isn't that a bit too much? I mean you haven't kissed every single-" 

"Shut up and kiss me." 

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