Chapter 6

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I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I really am. I've just been busy with school and last week being Easter and everything. But I hope you like this chapter!

Also, I want to thank all of you! For reading, commenting, and voting. It means a lot, so thank you!

Have fun reading!!

Comment. Vote.

Love, El


"So our first stop on this beautiful cruise is?" LeeAnn asked my mom.

"You know I'm not sure. It's going to be tomorrow though. I asked one of the-" I took another bite of my lunch, ignoring the boring talks.

After my mom cleaned my head, Dean left the room. He just got up and left, taking nothing with him. All I know is that he didn't come back until it was nearly five in the morning. How do I know? I was a little worried about him and kind of stayed up, waiting.

"Aria, honey?" Dad asked. I looked to him and he chuckled. "Long night?"

"I don't get much sleep. It was hard to sleep with my head."

"You should've been more careful." Steve said to Dean. He looked up to his father.

"Should've. Could've. Would've." He said annoyed, pushing his food around his plate.

"Its alright, Steve. Really. I feel a lot better now." I tried to stop him from saying anything further to Dean, but that didn't work. He turned his attention back to Dean.

"I will not tolerate your attitude on this trip." No, please don't start a scene, Dean.

"You don't tolerate anything with me."

"That's it." Steve stood up from his seat, staring down Dean. I closed my eyes and put my elbow on the table. Here we go.

"Sweetheart, let it go for right now." LeeAnn said trying to get her husband to sit down. I opened my eyes and everyone in the area was staring over here. Ever since we got here we have been causing scenes.

Dean stood up from the table and left. I stood up and followed him. I have no idea why I'm even going to talk to him.

I guess I feel it's what Quinn would have done and she would want me to. Quinn is Dean's birth mom. Quinn was always there to comfort you. No matter how big or small the problem was.

"Dean! Stop." I yelled and ran to catch up. He jerked his arm away as I grabbed it, trying to stop him.

"What do you want?" He spat.

"Just trying to be a friend." He looked away and started walking away again.

"I don't need a friend!" He fired. When I started saying something he turned around and came towards me. I backed up until I hit a wall. "You will never be my friend and you never were. So stop doing whatever it is you're trying to do." His nostrils flared, his chest rose and fell at a unhealthy pace, and his eyes burned into mine. "So just stay out of my life!" He told me.

I don't know why I was upset with his words. We weren't even really friends right now, so why did I care? Its not like I really cared. Or did I?

I pushed him away from me. Deep breaths. Just keep calm. It's just Dean. He's just pissed off and taking it out on me.

I walked away from him and towards anywhere away from him.

"No. Aria. I didn't mean that." He yelled as I turned the corner. I bumped into a waiter, with a tray full of water. He dropped it all over me. I shivered from the ice.

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