Chapter 30

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"Good morning handsome." I smiled walking into Dean's room. He looked to me and then back to his closet. "Is-"

"You lied to me, Aria." He grabbed a shirt and pulled it over his head. I tried to think of what he was talking about but nothing came to mind.

"What?" I asked confused. He rolled his eyes then shook his wet hair.

"You went to a party last night." I sighed and he began to put his cologne and deodorant on. "You told me you were going to the movies." That. That was not my fault. I didn't even know where we were going.

"Because I thought we were, but they drove us to that party and made me." His head shot up and he gave me a look.

"They made you? Okay. So did they make you flirt with that guy too?" I set the coffees on his dresser and looked to him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He unlocked his phone, tapped it a few times, then threw it to me. On the screen was a photo of me and the asshole from last night trying to hand me a drink.

"Didn't think so." He said and snatched his phone from me.

"Okay listen here, Dean. First off, that wasn't flirting. The dick tried handing me a drink and when I said no he pinched my ass and when I told him to knock it off he grabbed my wrist and I kneed him in the nuts. That's not flirting in my book. Secondly, I had no idea that that was where we were going. I didn't want to set foot in that house in the first place." He looked down to my bruised wrist. He took a step closer to me and tried to grab my hand but I pulled away.

"So you didn't flirt with him?"

"Why the hell would I flirt with him?" I asked a little too loudly. "I wouldn't do that to you Dean."

"And you had no idea?" I groaned and shook my head. Before I could fully turn around he grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"I already told you what happened. I don't know why you wouldn't believe me. I wouldn't lie to you." He put his forehead to mine and let out a breath.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I closed my eyes and stepped closer. His hands rested on my hips and my hands rested on his arms.

"Please just don't assume anymore." He kissed my nose.

"Is everything alright up here?" LeeAnn asked after knocking on the door. I turned my head as Dean kept his forehead to my head.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry for making any noise." I smiled and she nodded. "I'm baking some chocolate chips cookies if you two would like some."

"Thank you." I told her and she walked away. I turned back to Dean.

"Thank you." I rose my eyebrows in confusion.


"Bringing coffee." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I can't." I told Faith. She groaned and I leaned my cheek onto my hand.

"Seriously? This is like the biggest party of the year." I've told her and the others that I'm not doing anything tonight. Why doesn't she understand that I just want to stay in tonight?

Plus the last party they took me to got me into a situation with Dean that I didn't want to be in again.

"Then I guess I'm missing out." I grabbed one of LeeAnn's cookies and took a bite. These things were so amazing. I don't know how Dean isn't so fat.

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