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April 12, 2005.

It was a beautiful spring afternoon, and the boys were getting ready for their concert. They could hear the excited screams of their fans, eager to see them perform. The four were backstage making final adjustments to ensure everything was perfect. Bill heard the crowd and took a sharp breath.
"That sounds like a lot of people this time," Bill muttered, shaking his hands slightly to calm the anxiety crawling within him. Tom rolled his eyes, lazily strumming his guitar. "It's going to be fine, Bill. When have you ever messed up a concert?" he asked, unfazed by the shouts and screams of excitement from beyond.

Bill shot his twin a skeptical look, clearly unconvinced. "Well, I want to keep it that way. I can mess up at any time!" He exclaims. Georg walked over to Bill and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's going to be fine, Bill. If you mess up, trust me, they won't care. They just want to see you perform and have a good time." Bill felt his body start to relax.
"I guess you're right." He murmurs, not saying another word after that. Georg goes back to his spot. Gustav was sitting on his drum throne, twirling around his drumsticks as he waits for the time to preform.

"And now for the moment you've all been waiting for...TOKIO HOTEL!"

The four appear on stage. Wide smiles on all of them. Fans screaming their names. Bill looks beyond the crowd. He couldn't help but grin at how many people came just to see them. It was just a matter of time before they started preforming.


As the last song finished, Bill moves the microphone away from his face, taking deep breaths. The heat from the stage lights and the cruel sun making the four sweaty and tired. Tom set down his guitar, Georg doing the same with his bass. Gustav takes a breath. Bill puts the microphone up to his face to say a speech
"I just want to say thank you all for coming! We couldn't have done it without you-" Bill was cut off from a scream. Bill was used to screams from obsessive and supportive fans but this one felt different. It was more from...fear? Bill looks over to where the scream came from. It was really far from where he was but he knew something was wrong. Just then, the whole crowd started to scream, causing Bill to jolt from fear.

Bill looks over at Tom, not knowing what to do. But he was only met with the same confused face. Bill turns his head back to the crowd but backs up. As Bill scanned the panicked crowd, trying to make sense of the chaos, he froze in terror as he locked eyes with a figure stumbling toward them. Its clothes were tattered, its skin a sickly gray, and its eyes vacant yet filled with an unsettling hunger. It was a zombie a creature straight out of nightmares. Bill's heart raced as he realized what was happening. Panic spread like wildfire through the crowd as people started to scramble, desperate to escape the advancing horror.

Tom grabbed Bill's arm, his voice urgent. "We need to get out of here, now!" Bill nodded, snapping out of his initial shock. Adrenaline surged through him as survival instincts kicked in. Together, the four pushed through the crowd, dodging screaming concert-goers and heading towards the nearest exits. The air was thick with fear and confusion, and Bill's mind raced with thoughts of how this could be happening. "We need to find a safe place!" Gustav shouted over the chaos, his voice barely audible above the cacophony of screams and groans. Bill glanced back briefly to see more figures emerging from the shadows, their grotesque forms converging on the panicked crowd. What the hell was happening?

As they reached an exit, Bill spared one last look at the scene behind them, a once-celebratory concert now a scene of horror and pandemonium. The distant wail of sirens pierced the air. Gustav looked at the three. "WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE." He shouts. The three nod and start running into the woods, running from the bloodshed screams and horrific scenery.

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