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After an hour, they finally reached the stage, but it was in ruins, not the grand entrance they had hoped to come back to. "Wow..." Gustav muttered, taken aback by the destruction. Bill glanced up at Chris, expecting shock or concern, but Chris seemed unfazed. Catching Bill's stare, Chris shrugged. "What, you think I care about a stage? Stuff like this happens all the time. Get used to it, man." Bill gave him a vex look before turning his attention back to the wreckage.

Georg sighed loudly. "We better head to the tour bus and grab something to eat before I starve," he grumbled, already walking eastward toward the bus.

As they followed Georg, Gustav piped up, addressing Chris. "Hey, Chris... earlier you mentioned something about the Z.T.F. What's that?" he asked, looking up at Chris with curiosity. Chris grinned proudly. "Oh, the Z.T.F. stands for 'Zombie Termination Force.' It's our job to kill zombies and protect the innocent."

Tom, hands in his pockets, interjected cynically, "I thought you just said that to sound cool or something." Chris rolled his eyes, visibly annoyed. Gustav continued with another question, puzzled, "But the zombies only appeared yesterday. How did they organize a force so quickly?"

Chris sighed, explaining patiently, "Actually, this has been ongoing for a long time. Zombies have been around for ages, known for their brain-eating habits and turning others into zombies. The government kept it secret by organizing the Z.T.F., which has been quietly eliminating zombies for years. Recently, though, their numbers have surged, and the government assigned me to figure out why and stop it."

Georg, curious, chimed in, "Why would they give such an important job to you?" Chris chuckled proudly. "Because my father was the best of the best. When he passed away, they saw potential in me to carry on his legacy." He straightened up, showing his pride.

Tom smirked sarcastically. "Or maybe they just needed a replacement and settled for you," he teased. Chris clenched his teeth, muttering something under his breath, clearly irritated.

They finally got to the van. The boys immediately felt relief as it was still there. They ran twords the fan. But not Chris. He stood there and eyed the tour bus. "No wreckage?" He acknowledged distrustfully. But without further words he follows the four into the bus.

The interior of the tour bus was surprisingly intact, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. Georg headed straight for the kitchenette, rummaging through the cupboards for snacks. "Aha! Found some chips," he announced triumphantly, tearing open a bag.

Bill slumped onto a couch, still processing the sight of the ruined stage. "This is insane. We were just here yesterday, and now look at it."

Gustav nodded, sitting down across from Bill. "Yeah, it's like the whole world went crazy overnight." He glanced at Chris. "So, what's our next move, Chris?"

Chris sat down, leaning back with a thoughtful expression. "We need to get to the bottom of why the zombie numbers have increased so suddenly. There must be something triggering this surge, and we need to find out what it is."

Tom leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "And how exactly are we supposed to do that? We're musicians, not zombie hunters." Bill gave his brother a dirty look bur agreed with him anyway.

Chris gave a small smile. "Well, you're right. But you guys have have an advantage I don't: you're mobile and got access to places others don't. We can use your tour to investigate different areas and gather information."

Georg raised an eyebrow, munching on a chip. "So, our tour just turned into a zombie investigation mission? Great." Bill sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is crazy. But if we don't do something, we could all be in serious danger. Not just us, but everyone."

Chris nodded. "Exactly. We need to stay vigilant and be prepared for anything. We'll start by heading to the nearest city. There might be more clues there."

Gustav looked at him, curiosity still burning in his eyes. "How did your father manage to keep this all a secret? And how did you get involved again?"

Chris's expression softened. "My father was very dedicated to his work. He believed in protecting people, even if it meant working in the shadows. When I was old enough, he started training me, preparing me for this life. After he passed, I took up his mantle. It wasn't easy, but I knew it was the right thing to do."

Tom shook his head, still skeptical. "I guess we're in this together now. But if this gets too dangerous, we're out. Deal?"

Chris nodded. "Deal. But I promise you, we'll get through this. We just need to stick together and stay focused."

With that, the group settled in for the night, the weight of their new mission heavy on their shoulders. As they drifted off to sleep, the reality of their situation set in. They were no longer just a band on tour; they were part of something much bigger, something that could determine the fate of humanity itself.

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