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The courtyard offered a brief respite, the group catching their breath amidst the ruins that concealed their newfound destination. Bill stared at the faded sign marking the entrance to the Research Facility, his mind racing with questions. How had this place survived the chaos engulfing the city? And what secrets lay hidden within its decaying walls?

Chris's eyes gaze fixed on the facility, broke the silence. "Alright, listen up," he began, his voice low but commanding. "We need to get inside without drawing attention." Georg crosses his arms. "And how can we do that?"

Chris pondered for a moment, a hand on his chin. "Given the condition of the building, there might be several points of entry. Our best bet would be finding a less guarded access point, perhaps a side entrance or a service hatch."

Tom glanced around nervously, still reeling from their narrow escape moments ago. "What about those zombies? They're still out there," he muttered, his voice tinged with unease.

Chris's expression hardened with determination. "We'll have to be cautious. Avoiding direct confrontation is key. We need to move quietly and swiftly."

Bill, spoke up for the first time since their flight through the building. "Chris, what are we looking for once we're inside? Any specific clues or evidence?"

Chris paused, considering the question. "Anything that might shed light on what they were researching here. Documents, computer files, anything out of the ordinary."

With their objectives clear, they began to cautiously approach the facility, sticking to the shadows and keeping an eye out for any signs of movement. The air was thick with tension as they skirted around the perimeter, searching for an entry point that offered minimal risk.

Finally, they spotted a partially boarded-up door on the side of the building, obscured by overgrown shrubbery. Chris motioned for the group to gather around. "This looks like our best shot," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Gustav, can you get that door open quietly?"

Gustav nodded, his fingers deftly working to remove the boards without making a sound. After a few tense moments, he managed to create enough space for them to slip inside. The interior was dark and musty, the air heavy with the scent of decay and neglect.

As they crept through the dimly lit corridors, their footsteps muffled by years of accumulated dust, they came across rooms filled with discarded equipment and broken furniture. The facility seemed frozen in time, a relic of a bygone era now haunted by the echoes of its own past.

Chris led them deeper into the labyrinthine halls, his instincts guiding their path through the maze of abandoned laboratories and offices. Occasionally, they would hear distant noises - the creak of a floorboard, the faint hum of machinery - prompting them to pause and listen intently before cautiously moving forward.

After what felt like an eternity of navigating the eerie silence, they stumbled upon a room that appeared to have been recently used. Computers hummed softly in the corner, their screens flickering with dim light. Papers were scattered across desks, some marked with hastily scribbled notes and diagrams.

"This looks promising," Tom remarked quietly, his eyes scanning the cluttered room for any clues. "Should we start searching or something?"

Chris nodded, his gaze sweeping the room as he assessed their surroundings. "Split up and check parts of the room and see what you can find. Look for anything that might give us a lead."

And with that, they dispersed, each member of the group combing through the room with focused determination. Tom rifled through drawers. Georg meticulously examined the computer terminals, tapping away at keyboards in search of hidden files. Gustav meticulously checked the documents

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