Quality Time!!

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April 14th, 2005.

The five finally made it to the city, the boys trailing behind Chris as he strolled carelessly down the road. The city was in ruins, eerily silent save for the occasional tweets of birds. Buildings stood cracked and crumbling, a testament to the recent chaos.

Tom glanced around, the desolation unsettling him. "How exactly are we supposed to look for clues in a place like this?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

Chris, walking ahead, turned to face them, his stride now backwards. "Good question," he admitted with a shrug. "Honestly, I don't know. But I believe if we keep searching, we'll find our answers."

Tom growled in annoyance, his frustration boiling over. "Are you serious?! You don't even have a single clue?" His voice echoed through the desolate streets.

Chris halted and turned back towards them, his expression calm despite Tom's outburst. "Jeez, calm down, princess," he retorted with a hint of amusement. "I do have one clue, if it makes you feel better."

Gustav, ever curious and composed, tilted his head slightly. "What clue?" he inquired, his tone steady.

Chris's eyes flickered with a hint of mischief as he continued, "The clue is a rumor I heard from some survivors. They mentioned a research facility not far from here. Supposedly, they were conducting experiments related to viruses and genetic mutations."

Bill's eyes widened with concern. "Do you think that facility could be connected to the zombies somehow?"

Chris nodded thoughtfully. "It's possible. If there's any place where something like this could have started, it might be there."

Georg scratched his head, trying to process the information. "But how do we find this facility? And even if we do, what then?"

Chris's grin widened. "That's where you guys come in. You have access to places due to looking like helpless teenagers, I don't. Plus, I feel like you four know how to navigate through chaos." Tom folded his arms."So, we're supposed to become detectives now?"

Chris chuckled. "Basically, yes. But don't worry, I'll handle the heavy lifting."

Gustav nodded, his analytical mind already racing. "Alright, so where do we start?"

Chris pointed down the road, his expression serious. "Let's head towards the outskirts of the city. If there's a research facility, it's likely to be isolated."

With a newfound sense of purpose, the group followed Chris, their footsteps echoing through the abandoned streets. The city's silence was eerie, broken only by the occasional creak of a damaged building or the rustling of leaves in the wind.

As they walked, Bill couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He glanced nervously around, his heart pounding in his chest. "Chris, do you ever get the feeling we're being followed?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Chris's gaze swept the surroundings, his expression hardening. "I wouldn't be surprised," he replied quietly. "Keep your guard up."

They continued in tense silence, each step bringing them closer to the unknown. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows that seemed to reach out for them.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed from an alleyway to their left. They spun around to see a group of zombies stumbling toward them, their grotesque forms illuminated by the dying light. Panic surged through the group as they realized they were trapped.

Chris pulled out his gun, his movements swift and practiced. "Stay behind me," he ordered, his voice commanding. With precise shots, he took down the zombies one by one, his aim steady despite the chaos unfolding around them.

As the last zombie fell, Chris turned to the group, his expression grim. "We need to move, now. There could be more coming."

Bill nodded, his heart still racing. "Which way?"

Chris pointed towards a crumbling building at the end of the street. "That way. It looks like it might offer some cover."

They sprinted towards the building, adrenaline pumping through their veins. Just as they reached the entrance, a deafening roar echoed through the air. They turned to see a massive horde of zombies pouring into the street behind them, their numbers overwhelming.

"Chris, what do we do?!" Gustav shouted, panic evident in his voice.

Chris scanned their surroundings quickly, his mind racing. "We need to find a way to lose them," he replied urgently. "Follow me."

With that, Chris led them into the building, their footsteps echoing through the darkened corridors. They ducked into rooms and hallways, trying to evade the relentless pursuit of the zombies. The air was thick with dust and decay, the building's interior just as desolate as the city streets outside.

Chris led the group into a small room within the abandoned building, their breaths ragged and hearts pounding from their narrow escape through the labyrinthine corridors. The room offered a momentary respite, a fleeting calm amidst the chaos that had engulfed them outside. They leaned against the walls, trying to catch their breath and steady their nerves.

Suddenly, the faint sound of shuffling footsteps echoed through the corridor outside. Bill's eyes widened in alarm as he recognized the telltale sound. "Zombies," he whispered, his voice barely audible above their own heavy breathing.

Chris's expression hardened as he swiftly moved to the door, pressing his ear against it to listen. "They've found us," he muttered grimly. "We need to move, now."

With urgency gripping them once more, Chris gestured for them to follow as he led the way through a maze of darkened hallways and debris-strewn rooms. They darted from shadow to shadow, their movements swift and silent as they tried to evade the relentless pursuit of the undead.

In their frantic flight, Tom stumbled over a loose piece of rubble, his foot catching awkwardly. Before he could recover, a zombie lurched out from a nearby doorway, its grotesque form lunging toward him with outstretched arms.

"Tom, look out!" Gustav shouted, fear gripping his voice as he watched the scene unfold in slow motion. Tom's eyes widened in terror as he struggled to free himself, but the zombie's grasp tightened around his ankle, pulling him closer.

Without hesitation, Chris sprang into action, his movements fluid and precise. With a swift motion, he drew a knife from his belt and slashed at the zombie's neck, severing its grip on Tom just in time. The creature collapsed to the ground with a guttural moan, twitching briefly before lying still.

Tom scrambled to his feet, his chest heaving with adrenaline as he stared at Chris, being stubborn and not wanting to thank him. As soon as he was going to say something snarky Chris just nodded curtly, his focus already shifting back to their desperate flight. "No time for words now. Let's go," he urged, leading them onward with renewed determination.

They ran through the building, the echoes of their footsteps mingling with the distant groans of pursuing zombies. Just as it seemed they would be overwhelmed, they burst through a battered door and found themselves in a small courtyard littered with overgrown vegetation and crumbling statues.

Gasping for breath, they scanned their surroundings, hoping for a moment of reprieve. That's when Bill spotted it - in the distance, partially obscured by creeping vines and moss-covered walls, stood a dilapidated sign that read: "Research Facility - Restricted Access."

Chris grinned lopsidedly, his eyes bright with a mixture of exhaustion and adrenaline. "Well, boys," he quipped with a hint of dark humor, "looks like we made it! With good quality time together too!" Tom looked at Chris like he had to heads

"Quality time? QUALITY TIME?! I ALMOST DIED BACK THERE!" Tom exclaimed. Chris just laughed and ruffled his head. "That was the fun part, kiddo. But nows not the time to reflect on old memories." Chris looks at the facility.

"We need to solve a case."

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