Burger Joint

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April 15th, 2005.

"So, let me get this straight," Chris said, sitting on the red couch as he took a bite of a fry. "You found a file that says the zombies are coming from an underground lab? And some guy named Wulf is behind it all?"

Bill, sitting across from him, nodded. "Yes, and-"

Tom cut in before Bill could finish. "Wulf? That's a pretty kick-ass name."

Georg nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it is."

"Guys, focus," Gustav mumbled.

Bill sighed and shook his head. "Anyway, it said the lab was in Tokyo, but it didn't specify the exact location..."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Of course it gave you all that information but not the exact coordinates."

Bill crossed his arms and looked at Chris. "Well, sorry! I couldn't read the whole thing! I was about to until I was literally held at gunpoint!" Bill exclaimed.

Chris scoffed and rolled his eyes again. "Psh, big deal. Anyway, here's what we're gonna do."

Tom raised an eyebrow and interrupted Chris. "And what exactly are we gonna do, Chris? Fly to Tokyo?" He says sarcastically

Chris smirked. "Actually, we might just do that."

Tom's eyes widened. "How the hell are we going to do that?"

Chris leaned forward, his expression serious. "Z.T.F. has its own base not too far from here. They've got vehicles, including helicopters. It's a long journey, but if we're going to Tokyo, that might be our best bet."

Bill furrowed his brow. "What about the other scientists and guards? They're still out there, hunting for us."

Chris nodded solemnly. "They'll be looking for us, that's for sure. We need to stay cautious. But right now, our priority is getting to that base and securing transport to Tokyo."

Georg folded his arms, contemplating their next move. "And once we're in Tokyo, how do we find this underground facility? Tokyo's a massive city."

Chris nodded thoughtfully. "We'll have to find clues. The file you found might give us some leads. We'll also need to gather more information once we're there."

Gustav, always methodical, spoke up. "We should prepare for the journey. It won't be easy."

Chris agreed. "Exactly. We'll need supplies, and we need to be ready for whatever comes our way."

Tom cracked a half-smile. "Sounds like another adventure."

Chris chuckled dryly. "Yeah, something like that. Pack light, but pack smart. We'll leave as soon as we can."

With a plan beginning to take shape, the group dispersed to gather their belongings and prepare for the journey ahead. Each member understood the gravity of their mission - not just to uncover the truth behind the zombie outbreak, but to confront those responsible and put an end to the sinister experiments.

As they made their final preparations, the weight of their decisions hung heavy in the air. The city outside was still and silent, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had brought them to this point. But amidst the uncertainty, there was also a glimmer of determination - a resolve to see justice served and to ensure that no more lives were lost to the horrors they had witnessed.

Several hours later, exhaustion weighed heavily on the boys as they trudged along the quiet streets. Their feet ached from miles of walking, and hunger gnawed at their stomachs. Tom was the first to voice his complaints.

"My feet are killing me," Tom groaned, rubbing his temples. "And I'm starving. Can't we take a break, Chris?"

Georg nodded in agreement, wiping sweat from his brow. "Yeah, a short break won't hurt. We've been walking forever."

Chris, ever the practical one, sighed. "Stop being so dramatic, guys. We can't afford to waste time."

But after a chorus of groans and protests, Chris relented. "Fine, fine. There's a burger joint up ahead. Let's grab a quick bite."

They stumbled into the burger shop, surprised to find it open despite the city's desolation. There were only a few patrons scattered inside, and the atmosphere was subdued. They ordered burgers, fries, and sodas, collapsing gratefully into seats at a corner table.

As they ate, Chris outlined their plan in hushed tones, emphasizing the need for caution and speed once they reached the Z.T.F. base. The boys listened attentively, their resolve renewed with each bite of food and sip of soda.

Twenty minutes passed in relative peace until Gustav, ever observant, glanced out the window. His eyes narrowed as he noticed several unfamiliar cars pulling up. Figures emerged from the vehicles, their movements purposeful and coordinated.

"Guys, we have company," Gustav murmured, his tone urgent.

Chris's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene outside. "Damn it, they found us. How did they track us so quickly?"

Without waiting for an answer, Chris urged them to finish quickly. "Hurry up, we need to move. Now!"

Just as they rose from their seats, the door burst open with a violent crash. Armed men flooded into the burger shop, their guns trained on the startled group. Chaos erupted as patrons screamed and scattered, furniture overturned in the melee.

Chris reacted swiftly, drawing his own weapons with practiced ease. "Run!" he shouted at the boys, his voice cutting through the panic.

They bolted towards the exit, dodging gunfire and debris as Chris covered their escape. The sound of bullets ricocheted off the walls, mingling with shouts and the shattering of glass. The boys sprinted through the chaos, adrenaline fueling their desperate flight.

Outside, Chris fought fiercely against their pursuers, his movements precise and calculated. He managed to subdue several of the scientists, buying the boys crucial seconds to flee further into the city.

"Go!" Chris shouted after them, his voice barely audible over the din of the firefight. "Head towards the outskirts, I'll catch up!"

Hearts pounding, the boys ran, their lungs burning with exertion. They raced through alleys and side streets, fear and determination pushing them forward. Behind them, the sounds of struggle gradually faded, replaced by the distant wail of sirens as emergency responders converged on the scene.

They didn't stop until they reached a quieter neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. Gasping for breath, they leaned against a crumbling wall, hearts still racing with adrenaline.

"Is everyone okay?" Bill panted, looking around at his friends.

Georg nodded, still catching his breath. "Yeah, I think so."

Tom wiped sweat from his brow, his expression grim. "That was close. Too close."

Gustav, always composed, glanced back towards the city center. "Chris... do you think he's alright?"

Before they could answer, a figure emerged from the shadows, Chris, bruised but unbowed, his expression steely with determination.

"I told you guys to keep moving," Chris said, his voice rough from exertion. "But thanks for not abandoning me."

Tom grinned weakly. "We were thinking about it." Bill gave him a scolding look. Chris rolled his eyes. Tom was definitely a handful.

let's find a safe place to regroup. We've got a long way to go."

With renewed determination, they continued their journey through the deserted streets, their minds focused on reaching the Z.T.F. base and uncovering the truth that had brought them to this point.

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