Part 18

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Aisha's Pov
It was the month of December, what one can see in Shimla right now was  snow-covered landscape.

Whole Shimla is wrapped in a blanket of white, new year was just a week away and it was almost 45 days since I haven't met Shub.

No doubt December's winters are a time of peace, a time of beauty, a time of wonder but for me December has been very cruel.

I was lying on the couch, covering myself with duvet, the cold seeped into my bones making my bones ache while I sneezed again throwing the 1000th tissue in the dustbin.

With my eyes fixed on the tv, I took out another tissue from the tissue box.
We were having our new year vacations right now and sadly Shubi was going to return after new year.

Right now Maa was at Paulami auny's place, for her kitty party and I was lying cozily on the couch in the living room watching a movie.
I was in my shinchan hoodie, with black trousers, my hairs tied in a loose bun.

As I leaned over the sofa, the bell rang making me groan in irritation.
I felt too lazy to leave my duvet, I know the person wasn't Maa as she had spare keys, so being less concerned, I decided to ignore them.
Let them think that no one's at home.
The bell again rang and I sighed.
I can't do this, what if it's important.
Wiping my nose, I stood up and went towards the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a guy standing in front of me, with his face covered with a bouquet of flowers.
I furrowed my brows in confusion as the person stood still, not saying anything.

"Who is it?" I asked, my voice polite and respectful but showing confusion.
Not receiving an answer, my eyes fell on his watch.
It's similar to Shubman's.
My eyes got wide in shock as my eyes fell on the heart pendent.

"Shubman" I muttered not believing while he removed the bouquet from his face making me gasp in shock.

As I looked at his face, my heart skipped a beat. There he was, standing in the warm sunlight and on the snowy ground, his eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that made my soul stir.

It had been 45 days since we last saw each other, but the connection between us still sent butterflies in my stomach.

I felt the familiar flutter in my chest, the same nervous excitement.
My feet seemed to move of their own accord, drawing me closer to him. Still trying to process things, I hugged him tightly while he giggled, his melodious voice ringing through the atmosphere.

As he lifted me up a little, I snuggled into him, inhaling his scent, feeling his warmth.
I felt like I was home, like I was exactly where I was meant to be.

How much I missed him!
Although we were digitally connected I felt a warmth that our screens couldn't show.
His touch, voice, and hug were like a bright light after a gray day.
I felt his gentle hand in mine, the sweet scent of his skin, and his soft breath on my hair.

"Shubi I can't believe you are here" I exclaimed being delighted while he chuckled and kissed my hairs.
"But you were going to come after new year?" I asked as I looked at him.
"Well surprise shinchan" He said kissing my forehead making me smile.

As he put me down on the floor and we broke the hug, he handed me the bouquet.
"This is for you mam" He said softly making me smile.
"Thank you so much" I exclaimed as I took it from his hands.

"Still not well?" He asked craesing my cheeks, his voice filled with concern and I moved my head in no as I sneezed again covering my nose with a tissue.

"Shinchan your nose is so red, like a tomato" He said with a giggle while I pouted and he pecked on it.

"Chalo come inside now" I said avidly holding his hands and he entered inside with his suitcase.

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