Part 13

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Aisha's Pov
I was ready in the black lehenga, my wavy hairs reaching down till my waist,with some minimal makeup I was looking damn good.

The theme of sangeet was black, so everyone was wearing black outfits.
Right now I was helping Maa in her makeup, she was wearing a black saree.

"Aisha" Maa said, her voice seemed a bit serious and I hummed in response.

"What is it between you and Shubman?" She asked making my eyes wide while I felt my hands stopping and my heart pounding in my chest.

Now what I am supposed to say?

What if she tells me to stay away from him?

God please help me.

"Maa it's.." I felt my lips trembling as I tried to answer her.

Gosh, why it is so difficult?
She is not going to eat me up.

Come on Aisha.

My eyes caught her small smile which made me confused.

"Look at your face" She said chuckling.
I too chuckled nervously not knowing what was happening.

"I know that you guys like each other and you both are together right now" She said and my heartbeat was on a race.

I felt my gaze lowering as I didn't knew how to face her.

She chuckled again.

She stood up from her chair and cupped my cheeks.

"Finally my daughter is doing things she should do right now" She said and I chuckled.

"You are ok with it?" I asked still trying to figure out what was happening.

"Of course, Shubman is a nice guy, and to be honest he is handsome" Maa said making me laugh as I hugged her and she craesed my hairs.

"You are happy and that's the most important thing for me baccha"She said and I kissed her cheeks.

"Waise how did you got to know about this?" I asked her and she smiled at me.

"I am you mother Aisha, well I knew that there was something on the mehendi day only" She said and I smiled.

My phone rang, shrawan it showed, I picked it up and kept it on speaker as I continued doing her makeup.

"Aisha are you ready?" He asked from the other side.

"Yupp" I replied on which he hummed.

"So come downstairs I need some help with some steps, di and Rhea are practicing together so be my saviour" He said making me and maa chuckle.

"Fine wait a minute, I am coming" I said and he sighed in relief.

"Thank you saviour" He said making me laugh and hunged up the call.

Maa did her final touches making me smile.

I am too lucky to have her in my life.

"Looking too pretty Maa" I exclaimed as she turned towards me and giggled on it.

"I am your mother after all" She said and we both shared a laugh.

"Now go downstairs, Shrawan needs your help" She said and I nodded.

I left the room and went downstairs.
Shubman's Pov
I knocked the door of Aisha's room, to see if she was ready or not.

Aunty opened the door and I smiled at her.

"Are Shubman, come inside beta" She said and I nodded.

I entered inside and my eyes wandered for her but she was not there.

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