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A man around his fifties is seen in his office setting up a hidden camera behind him, while fixing the hidden camera he looks over his open laptop which could see where the camera is facing.

After getting the right angle he wanted, he sat down and sigh, he looks up at the camera, "Good afternoon, this is Agent 0804 Daniel Dae Kim of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) I am right here at Seoul National University to recruit for a special joint tactical mission with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As of now I have already interviewed fifteen candidates, but haven't found one yet."

He sighs, but continues to speak on the camera, "However, I have found a potential one, a female

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He sighs, but continues to speak on the camera, "However, I have found a potential one, a female. She aced all of the test I gave to them with no mistakes."

He looks behind him and grabs the papers and looks back at the camera, "Test subject 0327. Manoban. This will be her first interview."

Daniel pressed at his intercom, "Have Ms. Manoban enter."

"Right away, sir."

Daniel reviews the test results of Lisa when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opens revealing Lisa, "Good afternoon Mr. Kim, you wanted to see me?"

Daniel nods as he motion for Lisa to take a seat on the chair in front of his desk.

As Lisa took a seat, Daniel started to talk, "So, I've called you here in my office because of your test results came in."

Lisa sat up straight looking at Daniel with anticipation.

"You've aced all of the tests that I have provided. I'm impressed, Ms. Manoban."

Lisa smiles and bows slightly, "Thank you Mr. Kim! Actually I love does types of examinations, Critical Thinking and whatnot."

Daniel smiles warmly at her, "The critical thinking was more of the Neuro-Psychiatric test. Most students failed on that subject except you."

Lisa smiled shyly as she caress her nape.

"It says here that you love to dance and take up photography as your hobby. Including boxing."

Lisa nods, "Yes. When I was still in Thailand I love to dance and take pictures. I still do that here though, but right now I'm focusing on my studies."

Daniel nods, "Ms. Manoban. What if I told you that we can hone your skills and improve them?"

"My skills? Like my photography?"

Daniel nods, "Would you like to start working? It may help you earn while studying."

Lisa blinks and leaned back on the chair, "I'm not sure. Maybe I can juggle studies and work?"

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