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Lisa woke up from the knock of her door, she groggily looked at her digital wall clock and saw that it was around seven-thirty in the morning.

"Fucking early." She stood up slowly while scratching the back of her head.

When she opened it the door she saw Seulgi smiling, "What is it Bear?"

"Well, we're going to meet up with Irene and Rosé for breakfast. Wanna come?"

Lisa sighed and nods, "Fine."

"Okay, Jisoo is still washing up, so you have time to freshen up."

Lisa nods and closed her door.


"Why aren't we using my car?" Lisa asked Seulgi and Jisoo as they are walking.


"The cafe is nearby."

The weather is getting colder as they are nearing the Christmas season. Lisa noticed Seulgi bringing out her phone and started to do a video, she start to walk slowly behind them so she won't be seen in the video.

Seulgi starts to talk while looking at the camera of her phone, "Make one thing clear. If you're messing with Jisoo, you're messing with me!"

Jisoo nods, "Damn right!"

Lisa shook her head at the two.

"Cause we're girls!" Seulgi continues.

"Hell, yeah!" Jisoo said with a smug look.

"We're friends!" The Bear said while giving a serious look at her phone camera.

"Yep!" Jisoo said with the same serious look.

Seulgi's voice turned serious and said with a blank expression, "We're girlfriends."

Jisoo looked at Seulgi with a bewildered look, "The fuck you talking about?"

Seulgi looks at Jisoo with a raised brow, "We're girls and we are friends."

Jisoo nods, "Okay, yeah. But you can't say it like that. We're tops."

Seulgi ignored the last thing Jisoo said, "So we're girlfriends."

The heart shaped lip woman shook her head, "No. No."

The bear looked back at the camera with a glare as she points at Jisoo, "And, nobody mess with my girlfriend."

"No. No. Tops don't date tops, bro."

"Yeaaah." She whispered while nodding her head.

Seulgi stops the video and uploads it on her TikTok account.

"Yah! Why did you upload it!" Jisoo starts to choke Seulgi as the bear just started to laugh.

Lisa saw the elderly couple looking at the two girls with fear on their eyes.

"Don't mind them, sir. Ma'am. They're girlfriends."

"Ah. I see." The old woman said as she shook her head while dragging her husband.

"Yah! Lisa! Why did you tell them that we're girlfriends!" Jisoo glared at doe eyed girl.

Lisa did a peace sign and ran, Jisoo starts to chase Lisa, "Yah! Come back here!"

Seulgi was catching her breath and tried to catch up to them.


As they reached the cafe, Lisa stopped on her tracks and Jisoo jumped on her back strangling her.

"What the hell is going on?"

Jisoo stopped what she was doing and both her and Lisa looked at Irene with a raised brow and Rosé muching on a bread stick.

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