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A woman is jogging along the park around six in the morning, the cold air coming out from her mouth, she slowed down when she heard footsteps coming closer to her

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A woman is jogging along the park around six in the morning, the cold air coming out from her mouth, she slowed down when she heard footsteps coming closer to her.

She became nervous, but then the person passed by her, the person was also jogging. She then tried to catch up to the jogger in front of her.

"God, she's fast."

The woman started to feel her legs buckle, "I need to slow down."

She watched as the person stopped on their tracks and look behind at her.

The woman's eyes widen, "Lisa?"


Somi smiled as Lisa approached her, "Hey, didn't know you jog at this park."

Somi blushed a bit, "I just started jogging."

Lisa nods, "That's good, need to keep in shape and stay healthy. Anyway, gotta go! My boss needs me."

Lisa starts to jog, Somi hesitated to invite Lisa to have breakfast with her.

She sighs, "Dammit, lost my chance again."

She watches Lisa's figure disappear from the distance, "Wait a minute, I know where she works." Somi smiled to herself and jogged back to her condominium unit.


Lisa jogs past the doorman of the condominium Lisa is staying at, while still able to give him a fist bump, "Good morning Ms. Manoban."

"Good morning, Mr. Min!" Lisa shouted over as she enters the elevator.

Mr. Min shook his head while smiling at Lisa. Ever since Lisa moved, they became close friends and she's the only one that knows his Surname.

Lisa stops on her door and pressed the passcode and enters. After removing her shoes, she went straight to the kitchen and drank a glass of water.

She stops when she saw toast bread on the table, she grabs two slices and enters her bedroom to take a shower.

Lisa emerges from her bedroom and saw Jisoo and Seulgi having breakfast. Well, having cereal for breakfast.

"Why are you guys not dressed for work?" Lisa asked them as she puts her coat over her.

"Its still early, dude." Seulgi said with a mouthful of cereal.

Lisa looks at her wristwatch, "It's quarter to eight."

Jisoo looks at Seulgi with wides eyes, but she was busy eating then she abruptly looks up at Jisoo with wide eyes.

"Shit!" They said in unison, they stood up and rushed to their bedrooms to take a shower.

Lisa shook her head at them, as she wore her shoes, she shouted, "Guys! I'm leaving now!"

Lisa heard muffled voices telling her to take care.

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