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"It looks painful." Jennifer said while applying pressure on Lisa's bruise with an ice pack.

Lisa winced, "The cold makes it sting a bit."

Ruby Jane hands over an abdominal bandage to Jennifer. "Lift up your shirt."

Lisa gulped and slightly lifted up her shirt, Jennifer removes the ice pack and dried the wet area with tissue and applied Madecassol on the bruise and after she starts to wrap the bandage around Lisa's toned stomach.

"There. It's not too tight?" Jennifer asked Lisa.

She shook her head, "The pressure is good."

"God, your abs is ruined by the bruise." Ruby Jane said while staring at Lisa's toned stomach.

The three heard a clearing of a throat and saw Jennie looking at them with a raised brow, "Are you done? We are called by Ms. Son."

Lisa pulls down her shirt and grabs her coat, but before she could wear it, Jennie grabs her wrist and drags Lisa out.

"Unnie!" Jennifer said.

"Yah! Why are you dragging her?!" Ruby Jane yelled at the same time.

Lisa was confused why Jennie dragged her out of Jennifer's office, Jennie didn't even look back at her as they head inside the conference room.

She let go of Lisa's wrist and turned to Lisa, with a glare.

"Are you okay? Why are you glaring at me?"

Jennie huffs, "Don't get too close with my sisters."

Lisa raised a brow, "Can I know why?"

"I am jealous."

Lisa's eyes widen, "W-what? W-why?"

Jennie rolled her eyes, "Slow motherfucker." She grumbled.


Before Jennie could explain further, the door opens as Jennifer and Ruby Jane entered with Ms. Son.

Jennifer and Ruby Jane were eyeing them suspiciously. Lisa suddenly felt the tension from the triplets making her nervous.

"Okay, I set up this meeting because we need to discuss your mother's campaign."

Jennie, Jennifer, Ruby Jane sat down quietly as Lisa remained standing.

"Lisa, you can take a seat." Ms. Son said while smiling warmly at her.

Lisa shook her head, "I'm fine with standing."

Ms. Son nods, as she adjust her sling making her wince a bit, "So, your mother is still unconscious and the campaign period is starting in a few days. Jennie, as the eldest you will be representing your mother and the Democratic Party."

"What?! Why me?! I don't even know much of mom's campaign!"

Ms. Son nods and looks over at Jennifer and Ruby Jane, "Your sisters approved of this. They want you to do it. Look, you'll just be your mother's stand-in while she's recovering."

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