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The next few weeks had been very confusing for Liam.

His heart was acting... out of character. Zayn on the other hand had let free and started codling Liam and calling him all sorts of nicknames that were messing with his head.

Liam was confused. That was the only way to describe it.

He didn't know exactly how he felt but he did know that he loved it whenever Zayn would call him with sweet pet names or sneak in a small kiss on his forehead and cheek. The first few times it happened Liam would turn into a flustered mess and stumble over his own words. But now he would just blush and happily smile at Zayn.

Zayn had invited Liam for a movie night over at his house since his mom was once again out on a business trip and of course Liam agreed. He had his dad drop him off and when he was standing in front of the front door he made sure to adjust his beanie and fix his hair before ringing the doorbell.

When Zayn opened the door he smiled widely at Liam and laughed at his red cheeks and nose from the cold.

"Come on, it's cold." He said, grabbing Liam's hand and leading him into the house. "I'll get you a blanket, you sit down."

With that Zayn made his way up the stairs leaving Liam on the couch. Liam looked at the coffee table that had multiple different kinds of snacks and smiled.

They were all his favorite.

When Zayn came back downstairs with a big fluffy blanket Liam stretched out his arms for it. Zayn smiled at the adorable actions and sat down on the couch, draping the soft material over them. He wrapped hismarm around Liam and pulled him close until there was no more space left.

"Mhmm I like this" Liam hummed, snuggling closer and Zayn grinned. "Me too."

As they started watching the movie and snacking on the food Zayn had prepared, Liam could feel his body starting to buzz. Zayn's hand was on his bare neck and he was rubbing slow, sensual circles on it with his thumb. Liam clenched the chip bag in his hands tightly and tried his best to keep his attention on the television.

After awhile he could feel Zayn's actions and getting sloppier until they stopped and his hand rested limp. Liam turned his head to look at him and was surprised to find his best friend fast asleep.

He scowled at the fact that Zayn easily fell asleep after making Liam far from tired. But despite his slight grumpiness, when Liam looked at Zayn's smiling face, he couldn't help but smile.

The back of his head was resting on the couch and small breaths were escaping his parted lips. His face looked so peaceful and serene that Liam couldn't help but reach his hand to cup Zayn's cheek. He didn't pay attention to the movie playing in the background but only to his sleeping best friends. He traced his finger down Zayn's cheek to his jaw and then to his lips.

He bit his own lips as he continued to softly rub at Zayn's soft pink lip that looked so... kissable.

I want to kiss him.

Liam's eyes widened at his thought and his heart lurched. He actually wants to...kiss Zayn. Kiss his best friend.

With his heart racing he brought his face closer to his best friend's until there was only an inch of space separating their lips from touching.

"I- I can't."

Liam let his hand drop and buried his red face in his hands. He couldn't believe that he was going to kiss Zayn.

He did want to kiss him. So badly. But Zayn was asleep and how could Liam possibly do that to his very own best friend? He wouldn't take advantage of his sleeping state just to ease himself. But now he knew.

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