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After they rejoiced in their new found feelings Liam and Zayn decided to go back downstairs. When they did Zayn's mom was already there, wearing her jacket and ready to leave.

"Come on you guys have been up there for a while. We're going home." She said and didn't bother to wait for an answer as she turned around to walk away.

"Actually mom." Zayn stopped his mother and Liam looked at him confusedly. "I'm staying over."

Liam smiled because he too, really wanted Zayn to stay over but then his smile dropped when Serena turned around with a glare.

"No. We're going home." She said and Zayn frowned.

"Why can't I stay?" He asked and Liam tugged at his sleeve to tell him it was okay but Zayn didn't pay mind to him.

"I'm home and I'll have to go on a business trip soon. Don't you want to spend time with me?" She asked just as Liam's parents walked in the hallway after hearing the conversation.

"It's not like you spend time with me whether you home or not." Zayn muttered and her eyes widened.

"Zayn! We're going home right now!" She said a bit louder.

"It's okay Zayn. Go, I'll call you." Liam whispered, tugging his sleeve harder and Zayn looked down at him, still frowning.


"Zayn." Liam's father cut him off and Zayn turned to him. "You should go home, son. You can stay over another time."

Zayn sighed and nodded at him and Serena rolled her eyes, so he would listen to him and not her, his mother?

"I'm going to talk to Liam and I'll be down." Zayn muttered and didn't bother for her response, grabbing Liam's hand and leading him back into his room.


Before Liam could finish his sentence his back was met with the door and his lips were covered with another pair. He closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Zayn's neck and kissed back.

When Zayn pulled back he gave a small but strained smiled before dropping his head in the crook of Liam's neck. Liam smiled and moved his hand to run through Zayn's hair.

"You okay?" He asked softly.

Zayn grunted in his neck and shook his head, "I don't wanna go."

Liam smiled widely, loving how clingy Zayn was being since it was usually the other way around

"It's okay Zayn I'll see you soon. I'll call you before sleeping." Liam assured.

Zayn pulled back and cupped Liam's cheeks, softly stroking them. "Will you go on a date with me? Sunday?"

Liam's eyes widened and his cheeks turned rosy but he smiled widely and nodded. "Yes."

"I will come pick you up at 5 okay?" Zayn asked and Liam nodded already brimming with excitement.
His first date!

"I'm gonna go now." Zayn murmured and Liam nodded, yet they kept their arms wrapped around each other.

"Okay go!" Liam laughed detaching himself from Zayn, making him pout.

"Say it one last time and I'll go." Zayn pleaded and Liam grinned.

"I like you." He whispered leaning up to whisper right against Zayn's ear.

"I like you too baby. So much." Zayn murmured pecking his lips again before hugging him one last time and then left.


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