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TW- Homophobia.

On Tuesday Liam and Zayn went back to school and Liam was still high on his happiness. He just couldn't stop smiling and bouncing around. Zayn, too was over the moon that he finally gets to kiss and hug Liam whenever he wanted.

Or so he thought.

When they went back to school he had to keep his hands to himself. He knew how Liam felt with people staring and he would never do anything to make Liam feel uncomfortable.

And so he walked Liam to homeroom keeping his clenched hands in his pocket. When they stopped near the door Zayn wanted to bend down and kiss his lips but instead he smiled and ruffled his hair. "Go on, I'll see you soon."

"Bye!" Liam said witha smile and entered the classroom.

When Liam walked in he immediately met the eyes of Amara who was grinning at him with excitement. As soon as he was close enough she basically jumped him and he laughed. He wrapped his arms around her to prevent them from toppling over and glanced at Revaz warily, not wanting to offend him but the boy only smiled at him.

Liam let go of Amara and sat down, trying to ignore everyone who turned to them at the commotion and instead grinned back at her.

"I'm so fucking happy for you Liam! Rev told me all about the date!!" She whispered-shouted and he blushed.

He had forgotten that Ivor and Revaz had helped Zayn to plan the dinner. He wondered when Zayn told them and then he realized that means that Revaz now knows about him too.

"Revaz." He whispered, catching the attention of the blond boy.

"W- when did you find out?" He asked biting his lip in nervousness.

"Liam." Revaz started off softly, "l always knew about Zayn's feelings. He told me about the date and I'm nothing but happy for you guys. Zayn is like my best friend too and I've been waiting for this to happen just like he was."

"Ohh..." Liam said. He knew. How come
everyone knew about Zayn liking him but him? Why didn't he figure it out sooner? Why was he so stupid?

"You okay?" Amara bumped his shoulder and he smiled and nodded before turning around to face the teacher.

He hated himself for making Zayn wait so long but he knew that now they were together he would do everything to make it up to him.

He was going to make the wait worth it. When it was lunch they decided to eat at the pizzeria instead of the cafeteria. It was just Liam and Zayn and as they walked in they saw that the place was practically full.

Luckily they found a spare booth and Zayn made Liam sit down saying he was going to go order, seeing as there was also a waitress missing and they had to order at the front and wait for it to be ready.

Liam took off his jacket and got comfortable, getting his phone out to play games while he waited.

"Omg did you see Kaylee and Rosalina?" He heard a girl say from the booth behind him. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but they were talking so loudly that it was hard not to hear.

"Yeah! That was just..disgusting!" He heard a guy's voice say and he frowned, what was disgusting?

"Yeah they were kissing! In the hallway! Two girls like that, they should be ashamed" A third voice added and Liam's heart dropped.

"Right! It's just not okay to do that. If they want to do those shameful acts at least do it where no one can see." The girl voiced out and Liam gripped his phone tighter.

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