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The week went by extremely fast and before Liam knew it, it was Friday. During school Liam was very jittery and anxious and Zayn had noticed immediately.

When he asked Liam about it the boy would only smile and say nothing before hugging him.

Liam decided to wear a light blue button down with some black jeans. He walked to his mirror and tentatively fixed his hair. When he looked at his face he could tell how anxious he was and took a deep breath to calm down.

Everything would be fine.

He looked at the mirror again and rolled back his shoulder to straighten up and decided to practice what he would say. He cleared his throat before confidently saying, "I like you Zayn."

"I don't."

Liam gasped and turned around and panicked when he saw his brother standing there with a massive grin.

"W- what are you doing here?" He asked trying to calm down.

His brother ignored him and walked in his room, sitting down on his bed, "So you finally figured it out, huh?"

"Figured out what?" Liam asked trying to play dumb.

"I like you Zayn. I like you sooo much! Please kiss me Zayn!" Arthur said trying to mimic Liam's voice and then bursting out laughing when he saw Liam's panicked and red face.

"Shut up!" Liam yelled trying to get rid of his blush as he hit his brother's head.

"Wait.." Liam's eyes widened with realization. "You know.."

"Yes...I know. I've known actually." Arthur said more softly and Liam groaned.

"How?" He asked sitting down next to his brother.

"Don't tell me it's the way I look at him." 

Arthur smiled but shook his head. "That's part of it but you're my little brother and I've lived with you for seventeen years how could I not know?"

"So you don't care that I like... boys?" Liam asked meekly and Arthur softly punched his arm.

"Of course not Liam. I don't care who you like as long as they treat you right and I know Zayn very well he's even more protective of you then I am. If there's one person I trust to be with you then that's Zayn." Arthur said and Liam smiled widely, reaching forward and hugging his brother.

"I love you." He mumbled and Arthur smiled hugging back his baby brother, "I love you too."

"Are you going to tell mom and dad?" Arthur asked after pulling away and Liam shrugged.

"I don't know. But first I want to tell Zayn everything and then I'll think about mom and dad." Liam said, he did feel guilty about not telling his parents but he wanted Zayn to be there with him as he did it.

He wasn't scared of his parents reaction because they always taught him that people can love whoever they want no matter the gender and that he should never judge someone because of who they like. But he still wanted Zayn to be there.

"So you're planning on confessing your deep precious feelings to Zayn today?" Arthur teased and Liam blushed but nodded his head.

"I'll do it after dinner." He said and Arthur smiled.

"Good luck and if it doesn't go great just kick him out of our house and don't give him leftovers." He said and Liam looked at him with wide eyes.

"You think it'll go badly?" He asked.

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