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After the dinner ended the families settled in the living room. Liam could feel Serena’s hard stare but he ignored it. Him and Zayn were playing Uno with Arthur and Gienah and he was having fun, he didn't want to think about anything bad especially before what he was about to do.

"You're cheating!" Arthur yelled pointing at Zayn who made him pick up four cards again.

"You just suck." Zayn smirked and Liam tried to muffle his laugh.

"I got you babe." Gienah said with a grin and then made Zayn pick up his own four cards.

Arthur cheered and kissed his fiancé right in front of then making them groan in disgust while he gave them the middle finger without her seeing.

At the end Liam won, obviously. He had won three matches. Gienah won two, Zayn one and Arthur had been the one to loose first every time.

After they were done Liam contemplated asking Zayn to stay the night but looking at his mother he figured he best stay quiet. So instead he asked Zayn to come with him up to his room for a couple of minutes before leaving.

"Why?" Zayn asked curiously but was already getting up form his seat.

"I- I just need to tell you something." Liam mumbled nervously. His heart was beating out of control and his stomach was getting queasy. His anxiety was going high really fast and he didn't know if he was going to be able to go through this without throwing up.

When they entered his room he shut the door behind him and just stood there.

"Liam? Are you okay?" Zayn asked with a small frown, cupping his cheeks to look at his face properly.

"C- can we sit?" Liam asked, his legs were starting to shake with how nervous he was.

"Of course." Zayn immediately nodded and grabbed his arm, leading him to sit on the bed.

When they sat down Zayn opened his arms for Liam to come into but the boy meekly shook his head.

"Can we stay like this? Or else I won't be able to focus."

Zayn nodded but the frown was still resting on his face.

"Liam you're scaring me. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah it's fine. I just.. I'm scared." He mumbled looking down at his fiddling hands.

"Why are you scared baby?" Zayn murmured confusedly.

"I'm gonna say something and I want you to listen, okay?" Liam asked looking up to face his best friend.


"I realized something about myself recently. You're my best friend and I want you to know. I wanted you to be the first person I tell actually but there was something holding me back" He started off and then took a deep breath to continue.

"I'm gay Zayn." He peered up at Zayn who was sitting there with a blank face and his heart dropped.

He waited for Zayn to say something but the latter just sat there.

"Z-Zayn." Liam whispered, his voice breaking and that's when Zayn finally snapped out of it.

"You're gay." Zayn repeated and Liam nodded looking away.

Oh god.

This was not what Liam was expecting.

Why was he reacting like that?


Should he even confess? What if Zayn said nothing? What if he leaves? What if-


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