𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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starlitscribes my another ac where I will be posting stories which ARE NOT FAN FICTIONS. If you want you can follow it and check it out when I start posting.


When Liam walked back into his house with anew set of tears streaming down his face, his mother walked towards him with a worried frown.

"Liam, sweetheart what's wrong?" She asked but Liam shook his head and ran to his room slamming his door behind him.

His body was shaking as he walked to his bed and grabbed his phone.

He had to fix this.

He had to fix this.

He wanted to call Zayn and tell him to come back. He wanted to tell him that he's sorry for being so stupid, again. He wanted to tell him the words he hadn't said when he was here.

But he was also terrified to call him so instead he wiped his tears away and laid down on his bed while opening up their text conversation. He wanted to say so much but at the same time he had no idea what to say.

As he laid there contemplating what to do, ten minutes passed, then thirty and then it had been an hour with Liam staring at his phone with trembling hands.

At the end he settled for a simple

Goodnight ♡

He waited for Zayn to read it but he never did. Zayn always replied quickly to him.

Why wasn't he answering?

Liam started to panic all over again but he forced himself to relax. Zayn wasn't mad at him.

He wasn't.

Then why was he not answering?

Liam groaned and hit himself with his pillow.

He laid there checking his phones for hours but an answer never came. And before he knew it, it was one am and his phone slipped from his grasp as his eyes fluttered shut.

"Liam?" He heard a knock on his door that drowsed him from his sleep. His eyes shot open as he sat up and searched for his phone.

"Liam? Wake up sweetheart it's Christmas!"

His mom said from over the door and he had never been more thankful that his parents never entered his room without his permission.

He looked like a mess.

His eyes were red and swollen and there were still traces of dried up tears on his cheeks. He was still wearing the same outfit as yesterday and he itched to take a shower.

"I'm coming mom." He told her and after a moment he heard her retreating footsteps.

He finally found his phone and when he opened it his stomach churned at the sight of no text messages from Zayn.

Not even a Merry Christmas.

Zayn always texted him Merry Christmas.

Not one year had he not.

Maybe his phone died.

Liam tried to make excuses so he wouldn't let the panic take over. Zayn would call him soon. He would come here and Liam could apologize and tell him what he should have yesterday and then they would go to bed, together.

Everything will be fine.

Liam got out of bed and took a shower then changed into his pjs and went downstairs to greet his parents. He felt like a ghost as he hugged them and sat down to eat the mountain of waffles his mom made him.

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