A Back story

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It was starting to become day time. The sky was waking up as a big group was rushing through the forest. They were not supposed to be seen during the day, only at nighttime, they went too far out and now a few people have already called the cops. They could have ripped them up but there were like so many and the police were already notified. By now an army force should be already sent out, they need to make it back home where it's safe. In the group a girl was running behind the group, she has long hair due to never cutting it. In front of her were two huge people, almost like giants. Both wore masks, the first one wore a white mask with brown hair sticking out of it. He also wore a mechanic outfit, where he placed a kitchen knife in the outfit's back pocket. The second guy wore a simple beaten up hockey mask, his clothes looked ragged and ripped. In his gloved hand he wielded a machete. The girl turned around and saw the flashing red and blue lights the police were on their tail.

"We have to go, they are here!" She shouted trying to let the others in front know.

"Already?" One asked "Though they would take a bit longer than that."

"Doesn't matter, we have to go." Another said.

The group reached a cliff where an unstable bridge reached the other side. Of course they had to cross over, one by one they did now it's only the girl and another giant. He didn't want to stand on the bridge having a fear that it'll fall. The girl held his hands and told him it was okay and that they also went.

"Just go Bubba, Thomas is waiting for you." She whispered.

The man who is named Bubba only made noises, but that made the much younger girl smile. She released his hands as he started to walk slowly over the bridge. Once he reached over it was her turn. The cops also showed up, many officers readied their guns to fire but they were far away still. The girl was already halfway done, but her life was about to change. She saw a well dressed man whisper something to the others. Now all heads turned to her, most with apologetics faces.

"What's wrong?" The girl asked

"We can't keep the bridge up any longer until the cops have arrived." The well dressed man said.

"Wait let me cross first then." As she took another step, the bridge shook making her trip and fall. "What the heck."

Jason was cutting the rope.

"Aye, Jason what are you doing!" She shouted as the bridge shook again.

"We are truly sorry." The well dressed man hung his head. "We will miss your presence with us, I hope in your other life you'll have a better story to tell."

"Hannibal, you can't do this." The girl yelled at the man "I could make it, why do you sacrifice your own!"

"You're not like us!" Hannibal yelled "You never killed a single life."

"Oh I have killed many maybe more than Jason, you guys just don't see it!"

"Well then those don't count."

Jason could already cut the ropes and let the bridge fall, but he doesn't want to. Not wanting to watch the person he likes and feel happy around fall to her death. As both of them were fighting Jason slowly cut the ropes.

"Jason just cut the damn rope!" A doll said standing behind Hannibal.

It's face was all ruined up. After he heard that he had it cut. He held up his machete and he felt his heart becoming heavy.

"We found you as a small baby in the forest, and Micheal wanted to kill you." Hannibal spat out to the girl "And I noticed a blue bottle next to you, so I fed it to you."

"And what did it do to me?" The small girl asked

"Well it looks like to me it did nothing, completely nothing."

The girl could feel the hatred in the man's words. As if he should have just let Micheal end her.

"You planned my death this whole time." She figured

"You are correct, finally you figured it out." The good guy doll cut in rolling his eyes.

"How many know about this." The girl clenched her first into a ball.

"Eh, everyone but you." The doll laughed and then yelled at the giant to cut it off.

The girl saw Jason take his arm up. Knowing her time is going to end, she needs to make them remember her once she comes back.

"Remember this face, because when I come back there will be hell to pay." She pointed at her face which was really pretty.

Then the bridge fell, with her on it. Bubba wanted to save her but was held back by his brother, Thomas. Most of the group were sad about the death of the girl, except for some. Hannibal just looked down before telling everyone to retreat, not knowing that the whole scene was witnessed by disused swat teams.

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