Therapy Lesson AKA: Questioning

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I checked out the lessons my patients were taking because Bubba was scared of being yelled at. I stand in the corner watching the workers trying to teach them simple english to the one that didn't get to go to school and learn. Micheal is also in there, I though he went to school and learned, but again he was only six and spent most of his life in the asylum and got out to live with the others. Watching the "teachers" trying to teach was terrible, man they weren't even trying. I was home taught, first by Hannibal and then my neighbors and the library. I watched at the teachers taught them how to write those words and say it out loud. The one who went to school knows how to read and write and how to speak is in a different room learning something else. Soon I watched in disbelief as they soon started to yelled at the English class, Bubba broke down crying he tried to keep it as a sniffle. The teachers caught that and started to tell him to stop crying in a very harsh and rude voice, as if they wanted him to cry. That's when I stepped in, placing a hand on Bubba's shoulder glaring at the teachers, one male one female. Both are brown hair and look alike, must be siblings. They stopped shouting and continued to teach as I gave some tissue to Bubba, I didn't really say anything right now. Their lesson was horrible even I didn't even understand anything they said. Soon they passed out papers to everyone and told them it was their homework. I glanced at the paper and see it was very simple, fill in the blanks and write what the picture is. To them it was like solving algebra which I don't blame them. There was still 10 minutes left of class so they went to try to finish as much on their paper. I walked over to each of them, their handwriting were messy, but still readable. I corrected them on a few mistakes here and there. Micheal's paper was untouched, he just stared at the paper but not touching the paper or pencil.

"Hey Mikey." I moved my hand in front of him. "You should finish your work, so you don't have to do it later."

Micheal did move but just sat there emotionless. Typical of him, walking away I went to Jason. He was doing decent on his paper, filling the questions out, though his spelling wasn't so good. I corrected him on a few which he erased and redone. I went to Thomas and Vincent, Thomas' writing was really messy. He slid his paper to me asking me to check it, I looked it over, there were a few mistakes and I circled the ones he got wrong and went to Vincent's paper. His writing was better than most of the slashers and his spelling was also good. He finished his papers and was drawing on the desk, I grabbed a blank piece of paper for him to draw on. The class ended and they were out in a flash, school is never a fun place. We waited for the other class to end so I could bring them all to Arts and Craft.

"Ms. Ten?" A familiar voice said behind me

"Yes, Dr. Loomis?" I turned around facing the doctor.

"Mr. Chap told me to inform you that there will be no Arts and Crafts today." He said "The gray section would have therapy lessons on monday now, sometimes it would be in the morning or later after dinner."

"Alright, so I heard, uh I can bring them there and come back to get the rest." I said.

"Thought there were two nurses for the gray section?" Dr. Loomis asked, "Where is Anderson?"

Probably having a picnic with the guard

"I don't know, but I think she'll come and pick the rest up." I said "She was supposed to watch the others in that room."

Pointing at the second classroom, Dr. Loomis nodded and lead me to the Therapy room. It was a plain room with one desk and two chairs. There are also guards placed in the corners. Dr. Loomis said that he will be their therapist and when he is gone another doctor would fill in for him. Nodding, Bubba went first and I told Loomis to go easy on the soft guy. He smiled and said he would. The patients waited for their turn in the waiting room, some sat down on the chairs next to the room while others preferred to stand. Bubba came out and luckily he didn't cry but something was odd, next was Vincent, Thomas, Jason, Brahms, and lastly Micheal. I noticed each time they exit the room they have a strange emotion, like confusion or a strange face. I could tell the ones wearing mask, (heck this group all wear masks) their posture or they way they move was off. After all I did work with them for some time.

"How did it go, Brahms?" I asked

"It was alright but it was very boring." He sat down next to Thomas "I don't like him."

I heard heavy breathing behind me, I looked behind and saw Micheal's shadow towering over me. His eyes were looking at me, but moved when Dr. Loomis called him in. His fist was clenched you can see his veins popping out, Micheal didn't even move an inch.

"Micheal it's your turn." I softly said pulling on his shirt a little.

Finally he walked into the room, and Dr. Loomis closes the door after giving me a nod.

(Finally a different POV!)

[Micheal's POV]

I sat down on the small chair as I was cuffed and chain down, I waited for Loomis to take a seat and begin his useless questions. I remember getting questioned by him many, many times when I was 17 or 18. That old fool didn't even get a word out of me, or any answer for his question. I watched as he set down a pile of work and a clipboard, usually it's just a clip board why all those crap?

"So Micheal, how was your experience with your new nurse?" He asked as he sat down

It was okay, I don't care much.

"I want to ask how you are feeling, do you feel anything slimmer of happiness or sadness?" all yes the useless question came up again.

Everytime he asks me that, and even sometimes I answer it in my mind like all my other answers.

Feeling angry everytime I look at you.

"Alright, we can move onto other serious questions." Loomis cleared his throat. "The day before we caught you and your killer friends, noticed a young girl with you."

What a stupid, wait a girl? Is he talking about Laurie, no that can't be her. Loomis said the girl was with us so she must be one of us, how come I can't recall a young female in our group? My memory is great so how come I forget about another member in the group, who is she? I still showed no emotion to the doctor, but I am listening to him waiting for him to continue.

"I want to know who she was, because when we caught you guys the young female wasn't with you guys."

How am I supposed to answer your stupid question when I don't even know who you are talking about!

I felt anger again, I want to smash the doctor's head on the table and step on him many times. I could have but the chain's are keeping me in place. Though I do want to learn more about the female, she maybe just some stupid teenager. Teens these days are to no good, always fooling around and doing stupid shit without a fuck. I heard Doctor Loomis sigh and continue his questioning, the rest of the question has no mention of the female girl. I lost interest soon and began to wonder in my thoughts, questions for myself. What is her name? What does she look like? Best way to kill Laurie? How do I break out of here? Am I stuck here? How long can a fish live without water?

"Alright you can leave now, Therapy is over." Loomis got up

Therapy? More like questioning class is over."

The guards unchained me and brought me out of the room. I hear voices on the other side and see the nurse talking to Brahms and Jason. Jason looked up at me and stood up, I stared at him and he stared right back. I wonder if Loomis asked the same thing.

"Where is Anderson?" Ten asked "She is supposed to be here with the oth- Oh my."

She contained herself from cursing, I already knew bitchy Anderson won't show up, probably screwing that one guard I could have killed.

"Please stay here I'll be right back, Miguel and Thomas you two are in charge." and she dashed off.

Wait, what did she just call me?

"I am going to name you Miguel Myers, it sounds like Micheal Myers."

An Image of a young girl sat next to me but her face was blurred. She has Ten's hair color and was wearing a white little dress. Is that the girl loomis was talking about? 


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