Chapter 1

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Now to say I'm reckless is a bit of an understatement. I've lived a rogue omega almost my entire life. I didn't need a pack or even a mate just as long as I had my freedom. I've moved so many times and I hope this isn't a final one here in Oregon. Honestly I don't even know where I was but I was a nice quite town with a huge forest. I smile eagerly pulling up into the drive way to a small house. It was a plain and simple red brick cookie cutter home. I wouldn't be spending much time here so it didn't matter. Since I was only 17 I would either be in school or outside. I was unloading the boxes from my trunk when I froze. The smell made me sick it was three or so wolves coming towards my place, none Alpha but they still reeked. I quickly grabbed the last box from my trunk and scurried inside. After about ten minutes no one knocked on the door I odecided to look out the window. "Must not have a good sense of smell." I laughed to myself since no one appeared to be around. My wolf kept begging me to go check out the the forest and against my better judgement I complied and darted to the back door. I grinned widely discovering right outside the door was woods. I quickly looked around deciding it was safe I stripped and shifted my wolf was very pleased by the woods and I trotted further in. After a couple minutes of just looking around I decided to see if I could find a stream. I was able to locate it on in almost no time. I started to splash around in the water when I heard twig snap my entire body stiffened as another wolf showed their face. I laid down I wasn't in the mood to fight anyone. The wolf approached me growling lowly. With that I got up and moved towards the wolf who was obviously a male by his size. I moved right past him earning my rear to get nipped. I let out a low growl my wolf and I weren't having that. With that I was pinned on the ground both of us growling and snapping at each other. I realized this wasn't going anywhere so I lick under his chin trying to get him to let go of me. He still growled so I escaped his grip and ran deeper into the woods hoping he would just leave me behind. He didn't I heard a quick howl followed by a long one. He was gathering his pack, of course. I ran as far as I could before taking a minute to relax. I heard wolves running my way I got up and tried running the opposite direction finding wolves coming from that way I was cornered. I laid down in defeat waiting for them to come the wolf I had an encounter with stepped forward growling. There was about 15 others who had come along with him. There was no way I was escaping this one. I turn up my belly hoping it would help. Fortunately it did, I was being ushered back to what I assumed would be where the rest of the pack was. I was a large cabin and looked out of place with the surroundings. Once we got back everyone shifted but me. I lay down as everyone put on clothes. My wolf was trying to get me to go back to our house but I know it would be no use. I was thrown a shirt and pants that I knew wouldn't fit me. I shifted and threw the clothes on.

"Well hello," the voice from behind spoke it sent shivers down my spine. I turned around quickly to the see the most beautiful boy ever I refused to make eye contact since I now felt foolish for what I pulled back in the woods.

"Hello," I mumbled trying to find something to look at.

"What's your name?" He questioned me

"My name is Amber, Amber Hall." I spoke a little louder than before. Confused by my own sudden willingness to give out my information.

"Well Amber Hall I'm Nate Gray" he was trying to be a bit friendly towards me but I wanted to leave. I was stupid for even getting caught in the first place.

"Hey can I go back home now? I kind of just moved here." I said feeling nervous . He moved closer to me.

"No, because this my packs territory. So you can leave this town." He responded I grew upset shooting a glare at him but the glare soon melted and I was just staring at his eyes as he was to me. After about a minute I adverted my gaze.

"I'm going home now." I stood up trying to walk past him. He grabbed my shoulder sending a wave of electricity through my body.

"No, stay, join the pack please." his was shaky we both knew what had happened I was hoping we would just forget it. I shook his hand off walking further away "Get back here! You can't just leave me, you're my mate!" My body tensed up at the very word. I continued to walk away. Seeing as he wouldn't take no for an answer he began running after me. "Get back here now" he wasn't frantic or nervous that was anger. I felt I needed to obey, my wolf was begging me to listen, but I continued to walk away the walk turning into a run for my house. When I got there I scooped my clothes out from the back and walked inside. I panicked locking the door trying to focus on something other than what just happened. All I did for the rest of the night was unpack trying to get his stupid, beautiful face out of my head.


Hey guys first chapter what do you think this was a lot longer than what I was planning but I feel it ended at a good place I adore Amber already and I'm not sure where to Take Nate's personality so I was hoping for your imput I also have yet to go through and edit this so I apologize for any typos

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