Chapter 4

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I woke up angry, I got ready  for school angry, I went to school angry. I couldn't stand the forced interaction with any werewolf. I immediately grabbed my books and sat in the back of home room. Lacey skipped in spotting me almost instantly darting back to me.

"I heard about you and Nate yesterday." She says wiggling her eyebrows. I couldn't help the smile. It felt more out of pity for myself than anything else.

"Nothing, it was stupid and I never should have talked to him honestly." I shrug it off, hoping she would too.

"You know messing with an alpha, especially with him being your mate, it's going to end poorly." She spoke in the most serious tone I've ever heard from her. I knew she was correct but I would never admit it.

"I just can't deal with a mate." I say avoiding eye contact, making my hands the most interesting thing.

"What about just a pack?" Her simple words felt so charged and powerful, a pack was more than I could bargain for.

"I-I couldn't ever, it was bad the three years I was in one, I'll never go back." I say showing the slightest crack into my past was huge for anyone to hear. Why was she getting it?

"Packs hurt werewolves like me, they make us feel more alone than being rogue. At least we make the choice to be alone when we are in a pack we don't." I sound so emo but it was true I would never fit in with my pack, I was the odd one out.

"My parents rejected me... I was supposed to live a sad parentless life. The pack was supposed to make up for my parents lack of love towards me. I was rejected by them as well. The only thing that really kept me happy was my unconditional love for my parents. But then they died when I was only three. I just remember my pack having to move one day when I was 5 and I wasn't informed till they were gone. I started wandering, I finally found my Aunt Liv she was rogue and never cared for other werewolves except for me. She kept me safe for 10 years. I loved her more than my own parents. I knew she loved me like a daughter. Then she found her mate. She spent all her time with him. I was alone again. I remember she finally asked me to go out with her one day I rejoiced the entire time, until we were attacked by her mates own pack. I hid and watched as they tore her apart finally leaving her alone in her last few breaths. She told me to never find my mate. Me joining my 'mates' pack would go against everything I hold dear to me." I sat looking at the floor this is the first time I ever told anyone my story. It just came out and honestly it felt good to admit this all happened. Yet, it felt bad I just laid this all on Lacey without any warning. I just said all this in school this wasn't how I should tell anyone.

"Well...I don't know what to say Amber. You have gone through some horrible stuff. But letting it take hold of your future is ignorant, you would do well in our pack. Your mate isn't going to betray you. Nate loves you he couldn't hurt you even if he wanted to. Well, home room is almost over let's just go to our next class." We walked in silence to our next class, Tomas saw us sitting the back quietly and came over to question us.

"You guys alright? Amber you're not looking to hot. Is everything okay?" He was too sweet a real gem, if I do say so myself. I smile immediately flashed on my face. It was forced but I knew the care did make me feel better.

"Yeah, I'm alright just kind of upset. I'll be just fine, promise." I scan his eyes to see what he might be thinking. A small smile was the response.

"I believe you, but if you need to talk I'm here." I nod in agreement focusing on the lecture my History Teacher was giving. Something about an assignment where we would be working with a group and defending one side of the Civil war. That's all I got from my hour and thirty minutes in her class. I would probably work with Lacey and Tomas. The next class begrudgingly came. Science would be a great class if Nate wasn't in here. I loved science but he spoiled it for me. Tomas seemed to notice my tension as the three of us walked towards the class room. He stopped at the door causing me to crash into him.

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