ch 5: Aftermath and the Children

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Some days have passed since Mira has joined Nazarick. Titus and Nigredo were teaching Mira about Common sense and standard knowledge. Shizu had met up with Kaval's group and had a good interaction.

Fuze and Kaval's party had returned to Blumund to convince Blumund Nobility to forge peaceful relations with Jura.( more like threaten. Ainz also explained about the situation to Gazel. Gazel had invited him.

Phobio brought news to Jura now and then from Eurazania. He is hoping to become a courier. He has become more calm and elegant than before. They also seemed to have gained Eurazenia as trading partners.

Milim and Veldora enjoyed themselves and sparred occassionally. Ainz had gifted both of the individuals with Legend-grade equipment. He had given Milim Dragon knuckles made out of admantite and Veldora Dragon Cape also made out of admantite.

Milim also left Tempest shortly after, saying that she is going to work and telling Ainz that she will put a good word for him to the other demon lords.

Ainz gained a number of skills since the addition of Mira and he had throughly experimented on the skills he had gained.

Today, Ainz will send Benimaru as the leader, Rigur as the mediator and some hobgoblins as per Carrion's proposal of each country sending a delegate to deepen their relations.

Ainz says " Listen up, You all have been decided to be our countries delegate, but since our country is newly created you might be mistreated. Show them that you are not citizen of some country, but the citizen of Tempest. Do your best and no matter what remember your nation stands behind you. I have faith in each and everyone of you. "

All the listeners clap and cheer for Ainz's speech. The group then leaves. Ainz starts a welcoming party to the coming Eurazania delegates.

The day of the guests arrival, Geld S, Youm, Shuna, Hakurou and some hobgoblins were waiting to welcome the guests.

The guests arrived by a caravan drawn by Tigers. A female holding a golden staff.

She says " It is nice to meet you, citizens of the great Jura Forest. I am one of Carrion's beastketeers. Also known as the Golden Horned, Albis. "

Before Shion can respond a female barges open the carriage door and says " The leader didn't even come and they also keep puny humans as companies. The hell does he think he is? He must be a coward. "

Albis says " Take that back, Sophia. Or do you mean to sully lord Carrion's name? "

Sophia says " Shut your trap, Albis. I don't take orders from you. "

Geld S says " Please stop disrespecting our lord and citizens. Is this any of treating an ally nation? Are you uncivil or something? " politely.

Sophia says " That is funny coming from an orc, one of the most barbaric nation. " while laughing

Geld S says " I am not the one yapping nonesense. "

Sophia says " Stop talking and show me what you can do. I'll see for myself the true power of a mere child's lackey. "

Geld S nods reading himself. Sophia and Geld run at each other and collide, both using their strength to overpower one another. Geld easily throw her to a tree.

Sophia acrobats in the air and steps on the tree and launches herself at him. She tries to land a hit on him, but he blocks it and pushes her away.

Albis says " She really can't be helped, that Sophia. Instead, why don't you face off with that human, Grucius? "

Grucius says " Huh. Me and a human? Well, whatever you say. I'll play with you human. "

Youm says " Yeah, it's nice to meet you, too. "

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