Chapter Three

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 My day started off with Jenna waking me up in the mind link.

 'Nala, I think I like DJ..'

 'Honey. everyone knew that.'


 'No, he's oblivious as fuck.'

 'He is, isn't he..'



 I let out a sigh and rolled over, snuggling up in my covers . I had two hours until I had to meet the gang.

. . .

 I finally got up and started getting ready; I fixed my hair up into a waterfall braid and put on eyeliner and mascara. I dressed in a light pink vest top with a lace back and a pair of dark wash jean shorts on. I walked downstairs and saw that my dad wasn't home, as usual. I walked over to the door and slipped on my light pink vans as I walked down the door.

 I started the familiar path that leads to our tunnel system, and I kept listening for footsteps following behind me, but there were none. Ten minutes later I had finally got to the tunnels. I walked inside our little meeting place and noticed that for once I was the first person there. I pulled a book out from the bags we had stashed there for boredom, water, and food. I looked up as I heard footsteps, and saw that it was DJ. He was wearing a fluffy pink tutu, so I raised my eyebrow questionably and in veiled horror. 

 "It's a thing my tribe does," DJ said, sighing unhappily.

 "What the fuck?" I heard Michael's voice.

 "Don't ask," DJ said, sitting down. Everyone else came walking in. 

 "Don't ask about DJ, and I have a proposition to make," I say seriously.

  "You'd like to have an orgy!" Michael exclaimed jokingly, smirking at me.

 "Maybe later," I say, winking at him, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Roger scowling, "But seriously, you guys know that in our tribes we are outcasts because we don't have the same mind link as them, and our home lives aren't that great. So I think we should go make our own tribe, pack, or whatever you want to call it. So, who's in?"

 "I'm in," Lydia said.

 "Same," Jenna agreed.

 "Aw, c'mon little lioness, you know I'd go anywhere with you," Michael said teasingly, and I thanked the stars that my skin was tan so they couldn't see the blush on my cheeks. 

 "Let's do it," Roger said.

 "I have nothing better to do," DJ said, leaning back against the wall.

 "Well, everyone else is in, so I suppose.... Oh, who am I kidding, of course I'm in," Daisi remarked.

 "Then it's settled. Ok, now we need to vote on who we want the leader and then the leader will choose who beta will be," I said.

 "Everyone who wants Nala to be leader raise your hand," Lydia said, smirking. My eyes widened in shock as everyone's hand raised.

 "Ok, as leader I think that Lydia should be the beta. I also feel that DJ should be my adviser," I say.

  "I can be medic," Jenna said confidently.

 "I'll do the household things," Daisi announced.

 "I can do the hunting," Roger said.

 "And I guess that leaves me as the omega," Michael said," That actually doesn't bother me."

 "Ok, we'll start bringing our things down here day by day, and we'll research places we could go. We'll meet again tomorrow," I say, taking on my role as leader pretty quickly. Everyone nodded and we each started leaving one by one, feeling hopeful about the plan.

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