Year 3, Chapter 2: Emergency

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Walking to the next class, Angelo still felt slightly conflicted about his mother's questions, even though she had already comforted him and denied everything she could, it was still difficult to digest that his own mother could be so cruel, but he hopes to see how she was acting now with him.

Arriving at the training field to practice his broom in the flying class, his thoughts again disturb him slightly, but not like the other time in Snape's class, he just fumbled in lifting the broom.

"Up." Angelo says, but without showing much confidence, he looks around with the others still trying too, like Gideon who was barely lifting the broom.

Or Merula, who when she violently tells the broom to go up, it goes up too quickly and ends up going straight in her face, hitting her nose, making Angelo laugh slightly.

"Shut it, idiot." She says, but laughing too.

"UP!" Angelo says and this time it goes up properly, which holds it firmly.

After a few more steps, they were finally in the air training their flight formations, and practicing some maneuvers too, even though it was the subject that Angelo felt most comfortable with, it was the one that performed slightly worse compared to the others, but his movement was still good.

"Hey Angelo, check this out." Roderik says, diving with the broom and when it would hit the ground, he manages to maneuver perfectly, making the broom's straw stay close to the grass, and staying in a position as if he were standing, surprising the students with his performance, and returning to his friend's side.

" Roderik says, diving with the broom and when it would hit the ground, he manages to maneuver perfectly, making the broom's straw stay close to the grass, and staying in a position as if he were standing, surprising the students with his performa...

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"That was impressive Roderik, how did you learn to do that?" Angelo asks extremely excited.

"A lot of scars, but my father taught me well, he said that the Death Eaters were too stupid when they flew, and that kind of maneuver made them crash directly on the ground." Roderik comments with a confident smile, for someone who was always bored in almost every class, flying really seemed to be his favorite.

"Hey Angelo, how about a race? The first one to go around Hogwarts twice gets a giant glass of butterbeer" He hears a voice approaching, looking back he notices Merula with a confident smile.

"Really? And what's it going to be like? Are you going to try to knock me off the broom?" Angelo asks with slight trepidation, but only asks to annoy Merula.

"I take my bets seriously, idiot, now come on, I want to satisfy my craving for Three Broomsticks' butterbeer." She says confidently as she gets into position.

"Go Angelo, for one who faced Morwenna this is nothing!" Roderik encourages him and Merula looks astonished at Angelo.

"You dueled Morwenna Maelstrom? WHEN?" She asks extremely curious.

"I'll tell you later at the Three Broomsticks" He says with a confident smile.

"READY?" Roderik shouts being the announcer.

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