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Lauren's POV

It shouldn't bug me that I never saw cole it shouldn't bother me that I never got any time with him yesterday but it did. I was hoping when dropping off the stuff I would run into him then but still nothing . No one knows what's going on so I can't even vent about it all. Well no one officially knows anything cause I know my parents are wondering why the sudden change of cole being over and for how long he's there for but they haven't outright asked what's happening. I sighed and went back to getting my things ready for class when I heard murmuring around me ranging from hello alpha and good morning alpha or some just talking about him so I just focused on what I was doing instead of stealing a glance about where he was headed
C- good morning Lauren
L- good morning alpha
I bowed in submission then made eye contact
L- what can I help you with
C- I wanted to let you know you no longer have to worry about copying notes for us or doing our homework anymore
L- oh
C- it's not right to take advantage of your kind nature like that it never was right but now that I'm officially alpha it just feels worse doing it
L- I really didn't mind doing it are you sure
C- I know but it bugs me so yes I'm sure
L- ok
I sighed now realizing I now have no way to have time with him and he of course caught on to my thinking process and took his phone out texting someone then slid it back in his pocket as mine went off
C- that should ease the worry you have brewing now have a good day Lauren
L- have a good day alpha
He walked away and I checked my phone to see what he said and I couldn't help but smile
*I'll still be coming over like I've been I'm not giving up on my time with you cutie*
The bell rang so I grabbed my stuff and headed to class. As the day went on my smile began to fade as the guilt starting kicking in like usual as I saw cole with Cassidy. When is he going to come to a conclusion on what to do? Like the way we act when we're alone makes it seem like he wants to be with me that he wants to forget all about cassidy but the second we're in public she's all he cares about. And I get it I do their love isn't something that can just be tossed away because of fate but it doesn't mean it's easy to go through. I did my best to avoid any path that made me cross them and if I did I bowed in submission and went along my way and finally the day came to an end so I headed home and worked on my homework and when I was done I just looked around realizing how much free time I'm now going to have not having to work on their stuff and I'm not sure what to do about that. I sat there thinking and was about to leave for the lake when Cole came walking in
C- were you leaving
L- yeah I was going to head out cause I'm bored out of my mind with this free time I have now but you're here now so there's nowhere I'd rather be
C- you're so cute
L- hehe thank you
C- you have no idea how much I missed you yesterday
L- I can imagine
C- did you miss me
L- of course I did
C- good answer
I giggled as we sat down on my bed kissing . The kisses weren't a rushed make out session instead it was slow and loving kisses which made my heart beat so fast I thought it was going to beat right out my chest. We pulled away and cuddled and talked for a bit then kissed some more then he had to leave since he said he was going to the gym so his time frame had to be realistic.
C- I'll text you when I have the chance tho ok babe
L- sounds good
C- one more kiss before I leave
He cupped the sides of my face and gave me one last long kiss that made me blush like crazy when we pulled away. Yeah this really isn't fair!

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