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Lauren's POV

When I woke up this morning I expected it to be a normal day but boy was I wrong. I have never been more thankful for a rule in my life cause if we didn't have to check i would be who knows where with a creep instead of on the lap of the love of my life as I am right now. We woke up a little bit ago and since then I've been on his lap as he plays with my hands while we talk.
C- I don't want you going home tonight or ever actually
L- what do you suppose I do cause no matter where I go he will find me he has my scent tattooed in his brain
C- you'll stay here this way I know you're safe
L- like stay in your room with you
C- haha yeah why are you nervous
L- yes
C- babe I slept in your bed the other night we just slept here on the couch why are you nervous now
L- ok it's not the sleeping part that I'm nervous about it's about being in that room again
He looked confused then he must have remembered what I'm referring to as he soon had his usual smirk he always uses with me
C- are you nervous about memories of my naked body rushing back or memories of how my hand was wrapped around a certain part as you walked in or are you nervous about it happening again and you'll like it this time
I blushed and whimpered at the way he was talking and muttered my response
L- I didn't dislike it then
C- oh really
L- I've always found you extremely good looking like perfect was never good enough to describe you
C- good to know haha and while we're telling the truth I always thought you were gorgeous I always loved seeing you get flustered it just made you that much more adorable
L- so I guess you're finding my state right now super adorable then
C- I sure am
I laughed and he kissed the top of my head making me snuggle up more .
L- will your parents even be ok with me staying
C- it's kinda hard for them to tell me what to do now that I'm alpha
L- cole
C- I'm serious it was their words
L- ok but how long do you expect me to stay
C- honestly I don't want you going back home at all I want you to move in
L- you're crazy
C- I mean it I want you here with me baby plus you're Luna now meaning this is your house now
L- what if the pack let alone your council doesn't accept me as Luna
C- they will learn to cause you're not going anywhere this is about me and you their opinion doesn't matter so as long as you want to be with me then that's all that matters to me
L- you sure
C- yes I'm sure
L- ookkk
C- so is that a yes then
L- haha can we at least do a trial run first hehe like give it the week and then I'll see about moving in
C- that's fair and so official of running things see have what it takes to be Luna after all
L- if you say soooo
We laughed and discussed things a little more then we ran to my house to get stuff I need for school tomorrow as well as clothes for the week. I was surprised my parents were allowing this so easily but he is the alpha after all and they did hear him say I'm the Luna now so maybe they feel weird saying what I can and can't do like his parents do. All I know is things are going to be interesting from this point on!

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