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Coles pov

Every class passed by until I had Lauren next to me I didn't sit still. My legs were bouncing I was tapping my pencil on the desk or running my hands through my hair. Even with her constant check ins with me I still didn't trust being here ! Finally the bell rang for lunch and I ran out of there and down the hall to her class just in time to see her and gabe walk out laughing
G- I'll let you two have a moment I'll see you guys at the table
He bowed his head in submission to both of us then walked off as I wrapped Lauren in my arms
C- I know you have checked in and all so I knew you were ok but seeing it is different and I'm so happy you're ok baby
L- are you going to be ok cause if you are this worked up all day we're at school then maybe we shouldn't be coming here still cause how will you handle a couple more months of this
C- by simply ending this shane problem once and for all or having us switch to online schooling but probably both
L- and what do you intend to do to end the problem
C- kill him cause no one messes with my mate does things against her will and scares her and gets away with it
She blushed and before I could question why the blush she slid her arms around my neck and kissed me. This kiss was nothing like what I've done at school with her so far no this is the kind I did with Cassidy this was heated this was full of lust . Our tongues were fighting for dominance which turned me on more considering she wants to challenge me even in that sense . I know I should pull away I know we should calm down but I can't not fully so instead I went and attacked her mark while I had her pinned against some lockers and had one of her legs wrapped around my waist . After some moans out of her and growls out of me we finally stopped and I just held her before I noticed who's locker we just did it all against which made me back to my nervous self and she caught on
L-why are you back to nervous hehe I expected that to be the last feeling after that
C- haha it was until I realized where it took place
L- in front of some lockers big deal
C- no in front of her locker
L- she didn't see us
C- no but our scent is here
L- then let's head to the table away from it and with the rest of the council to maybe put you at ease
C- not sure it will work but ok
She grabbed my hand and we went to the table and hung out til the bell rung. The next class I had with Lauren so that helped a little then 6th she had David with her again. As soon as school was over we rounded everyone up and left to the house
L- see I told you it would be ok now will you please relax babe
C- I'm trying I swear
L- ok well I'll be in the room
She kissed me then headed to the room while I talked with the guys for a while only to head up to the room and see her gone and not answering my links ! I was right to be nervous all day!

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