5. The protectors

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My notes
"×Sign language×"


"So this is what happened.". "So you're telling me that while your meet-up, a random person came there? To be more specific, a runaway listener. Who got chased down by Watchers?". "Jep, that sums it up.". "Anything new with you, Kakashi?". "I'm just a bit concerned, Sam?" Kakashi answered him. "Concerned why?". "Naruto. We still don't know if the Watchers want him or not, Pixl." Said Kakashi. "I don't think that they would want him even if he is powerful he is like Xeliqua. He wouldn't let the Watchers control him. He would be a runaway the second they turn him. I wouldn't worry too much." said Sam, reassuring him. "I'm not worried about Naruto. I'm worried about what would happen when he joins them." "Keep telling yourself that you're not worried about him, but we know better. But before we turn this into a debate, does anyone know who 'the neutral' is?" Asked Pix while looking at the other two. "No, it would be bad if he would not be in the same dimation as at least one of us since we can't travel the multiverse." added Kakashi. "You're right. We still need to find them." said Sam. "Let's just say or opinion on the people and where we stand with them. Everyone ok with that?" Asked Pix. "Yeah, that sounds alright." was Sam's answer while Kakashi nodded. "Good so with the Voidners. Sam has the compaction with some if not all of them. I would say that we are neutral' or if not even have Allianz with them." said Kakashi to with the other two nodded. "Second the neutral. I think we are neutral with them if we find them." Pix said where the other two nodded again. "Runaway listeners and listeners. Listeners, I would say enemy's, and for the runaway's, I don't think we are going to be buddies but were also not enemies ether. Except when they attack us, then we attack back. I would say the same with the runaway Watchers and normal Watchers." said Sam, where the others also nodded to. They said a moment in silence because Kakashi made a hand sign. "Τι συμβαίνει που ακούσατε;(What's wrong you heard something?)" Asked Pixl in the Voidners and Protectors language. "Ναι. Πρέπει να είμαστε προσεκτικοί, δεν ξέρουμε αν σημαίνουν κακό ή όχι.(Yes. We should be careful we don't know if they mean harm or not.)" Kakashi said, also switching the language. "Τι πρέπει να κάνουμε? Περιμένετε να εμφανιστούν?(What should we do? Wait for them to show up?)" Asked Sam, switching the language. "Θα ήταν το καλύτερο στοίχημα. Αν και κρύβονταν, δεν ξέρουμε ποιοι είναι. Επομένως, μείνετε σε εγρήγορση. (Would be or best bet. Though I would hide, we don't know who they are. So stay on alert.)" Kakashi spoke out his thoughts. The other two nodded at they split up. All of them could see each other but if people were to come there they wouldn't see them. The footsteps got so loud that the other two could hear them. They were also talking. Shit it's the Watchers and Listeners language. Kakashi made quick hand signals for the other two to see. "×Whatcher and Listeners language. Still don't know if it's a runaway or not.×" This time back in English. He received hand signals back a "×understood×" from Sam and a "×Ok×" from Pixl. They waited, wanting to hear the voices disappear, but they only got closer till they could hear but not understand them. "Вы уверены, что зто правильный спот-мастер?" asked the first one. Sam and Kakashi turned to Pixl, knowing that he could understand some of the language. When he noticed that they were looking at him, Sam signed "×Do you understand what they are talking about?×". Pixl only now seems to realise that he was the only one who could understand them a little bit, so he signed back "×Yeah I think I understand stand the content. I think he asked if they were in the right spot. The other seems to be the master of the other then he refers to him as one. But I'm not one hundred percent sure.×". Kakashi nodded and signed "×Do you think you could sign what they are saying?×". To which Pixl nodded. "Да, я уверен. Я почти чувствую волшебство все еше здесь. Так что не задавайте мне вонросов, ваш хозяин." Said the other person. Pixl signed "×Yes I am sure. I something feel properly meant magic still here. So don't something me and then the master thing again.×". "Мне очень жаль, что я задаю вам вопросы, мой господин." The first one spoke again. "×Something from doubting here and that they are sorry for it. Again, with the master.×". "Вам лучне бьіть илм иначе. Вы знаете, что случилось с дргим. Но волшебство исчезает. Они, наверное, услышалн нас и сбежали. Для того, чтобы. " Said the master again. "×they should be or else. They know what something to the other. Something about magic fading. We probably escaped when we heard them×"."тогды нам идти, хозяин? Их здесь нет, так что зто бесполезно. Мы можеме вернуться позже." They spoke their mind. "×Should we go something. They aren't here... unless. We could come....×" Pixl was frowning he was losing information, but it was pretty good that he could understand some of it. He only started learning the language a short time ago and was already pretty good at it. "Я дуаю, что вы правы. Пойдемте, мы сейчас пойдем." said the master ."×I think... right. Come, we will go now.×". "Да, мастер. Как Вам понравится." The other one answered. "×Yes master. As you wish.×" When Pixl was finished with the hand signs, the two were already outside and going away. "Thanks, Pixl, for Translating." Sam said with a smile. "Yeah, sorry I couldn't understand everything." Pixl said, looking down by the last part. "Are you kidding me? That was really good for a beginner. I mean, you just started learning a few months ago, and you almost got all information." Kakashi praised him. He looked up again with a smile. But what were they doing here? Where they looking for us. Kakashi wasn't sure what he was supposed to believe. "I think we should end the meeting here. We spoke about everything important or?" asked Pixl. Sam and Kakashi nodded. "Good then see you next week. Kakashi good luck with your team and Sam good luck with the minors." Pixl said. "Please don't remind me. I mean they got more experience but they are still a pain to deal with. Anyway bye guys." Kakashi said while slowly glowing before vanishing. "I just realy hope that they don't do anything. But we should also had back now Pixl." after Sam said that both began to glow before also vanishing out of the void.

Hey guys hope you liked the chapter. To clear things up Greek is the Voidners and Protectors language, while Russian the Watchers and Listeners language is. I used a translator for this so if there a any mistakes in the Geek or Russian part I'm sorry. If you noticed any spelling or grammar mistakes let me know. See you in the next part.

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