2. Escape

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My notes
" When others are talking "
When people are texting

Nobody's POV:

Martyn wad running. He was running as fast as he could with his book in one hand and his sword in other. He was running low on stamina, his wounds were also really bad, and he was losing a lot of blood. Because he couldn't text while running, he couldn't text Grian. Shit. Martyn ran into a dead end. Well, I could text Grian. I mean, I can't run now anyway. I also can't fly right now because of my wing. Quickly, he got out his phone and texted the one thing that would make it obvious he needed help. Only Help. He only texted help. Now he turned around and got into a fighting position and activated his powers. I may not have much energy left, but I can stall until Grian gets here or opens a portal to his server.

At the meat up

Everyone was sitting in a circle while talking to each other. Grian was talking with Jimmy and Joel until he got a massage. "Who is it?" asked Joel. "I was going to look so if you could excuse me." With that, Grian opened the text and was confused and worried. help. "Wha...?" asked Grian under his breath. "Everything OK, Grian? " asked Jim. "I need to talk to X about something." said Grian while standing up. Some people shortly looked up but returned to their conversations. Grian was walking to the admins fast since it should be serious. Martyn never just sends one word, and even less, he almost never asks for help. He soon stood in front of the admins but was still thinking so he didn't realize that till. "G? You OK?" X stood up and was now in front of Grian. "Martyn needs help." He said, and everyone looked at them. "Who is Martyn?" asked Dream. "A friend of mine.' Grian answered. "What do you mean he needs help, and how serious?" X asked. "Pretty serious. He just texted help, and he almost never asks for help. Except it is really serious." Grian said. Xisuma thought for a moment. "Should I teleport him here?" X asked. "Might be a good idea." "Ok." said. X nodded and opened his admin panel. While the others came over. "What is going on?" "A friend of mine needs help, and we are helping them. "The portal should telepot him soon," X said as he closed the panel.

Back to Martyn

Martyn was tired his magic got weaker. Black dots clouded his vision. A Watcher blasted something his way, and he couldn't doge. He got hit by it the same time he got teleported away. "Shit" one of the watchers cursed.

By the meet-up

The portal on their side was already open, and they waited around it for Martyn to come out. Martyn got, because of the thing the Watcher shot at him, sent straight into a tree, and collapsed under it. Grian was the first one to react and ran toward him while screaming, "MARTYN!" soon followed by others. Martyn had many wounds on him. And it looked like he had lost a lot of blood. Next to him was a book one hand was around the book." Take him to the clinic." Someone said, and that's what Grian, Ren, Scott, Jimmy, and the admins did. They took care of his wounds as good as they could only Grian and Jimmy could really help with the wings But as they tried to take the book away something shook them and they didn't know what it was. When they were done, there was only one thing to do wait till Martyn wakes up. After a few hours, he woke up. X was right now watching him when he woke up. Martyn immediately put up a shield, got the book to his chest, and started mumbling stuff. X hit the button to let the others know that Martyn was awake.

Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter. I will let you know that I ship Ren X Martyn in this book and maybe some others. See you next chapter. Bye

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