Ch. 3: School Blues

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The next day, Maka, Soul, Black Star, and Tsubaki stood in front of the DWMA.

"Okay... Nope, not doing it." Maka said, turning around and beginning to walk away.

Soul reached out and grabbed her shirt collar.

"Not so fast, Witchy, we're talking to Lord Death." Soul said

"Don't call me witchy out loud!" Maka whispered to him!

"She right, Soul. You know that it's supposed to be a secret." Tsubaki said to him as they walked into the school.

"No one's around to hear." Soul said, gesturing to the completely empty area, "Now let's go."

They went to the Death Room, with Maka being dragged the entire way, letting out nervous mumbling.

"Relax Maka, no one will mess with you as long as I, the Great Black Star, is here! YAAHOO!" Black Star said.

'My hero...' Maka thought in dread.

The group made it to the Death Room and knocked on the door. It opened and they headed inside, where they found Lord Death with Spirit Albarn, his Death Scythe, next to him.

"Hiya! I figured you'd come around sooner or later." Lord Death said.

"Yeah, we need to talk." Soul said, "Go on Maka, talk to him."

Maka slowly tried to backpedal, but the three of them grabbed her and dragged her back.

"You aren't avoiding this Maka." Tsubaki said, "We're right here in case you need us."

Maka fumbled with her collar for a bit.

"Okay, um... Lord Death... I... I-" She quickly lost her composure and fell to her knees and bowed to the ground, "Please don't kill me because I'm half witch! I would never use my magic for evil! Please don't hurt me!"

A small silence filled the room as Death looked down at Maka, confused on why she could even think that if she's still alive before him.

"Um.....what made you think I would want you dead?" Lord Death asked her with a head tilt.

"Because that's what the academy does to witches." Maka said, too scared to even look up, "Everyone knows that witches are humanity's enemies and need to killed to protect the world."

'He'll probably give my soul to Soul to make him a Desth Scythe in the future.' Maka thought.

Lord Death let out a sigh before lightly patted Maka's head with his left hand.

"Maka, you aren't like other witches. You are good, and as long as you don't use your magic for evil purposes or against the school, you will never be hunted down by any Meister." Death said as he picked Maka up and placed her on her feet.

"R-r-really?" Maka asked, looking up.

"As long as you don't become like your aunts, and remain more like your mother, then yes. You will never be harmed by anyone at the DWMA." Death said, shaking his head.

"And I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt my little girl!" Spirit said with his arms crossed. "I didn't care if your mom was a witch and I don't care if you are, Maka. You're my daughter and nothing will ever change that."

"R-Really?" Maka asked as her shoulders relaxed.

"Really, kiddo." Spirit said with a soft smile.

Maka looked back to her friends as they smiled at her, nodding in agreement that she was no threat.

She was their friend and nothing would change that, which or not.

"Okay." She said, finally smiling.

"Great! Now that we got that out of the way, head to class kids, I found the perfect replacement for Sid." Death said.

"Wait, so what's going on with Sid now?" Soul asked, "He's a zombie now... which I still don't understand."

"It's quite simple, he's still going to be involved with the academy, but he will now spend more of his time in the field." Death explained before shooing them away. "Now run along, the bell will ring any minute."

They accepted that as an answer and headed to class. When they left, Lord Death turned to Spirit.

"Now that she's open about it, tell me. How powerful is Maka?" He asked.

"At age six she could use her aunt's Vector Arrows." Spirit said, simple yet very heavy.

"I see. So, she did inherit her mother's ability to copy other spells with a simple look." Death said, turning back to the door. "She will still need someone to teach her though... and I have the perfect person in mind."

"What? Do you know a witch that will help?" Spirit asked.

"Do you think Maka oz the only witch in the DWMA?" Death asked, much to Spirit's shock, "But right now, she's the only witch here that's aware I know of her heritage."

In the class, Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, and Black Star took their seats and waited for the teacher.

"So who do you think this replacement is?" Soul asked.

"Maybe it will be another death scythe or a strong meister?" Maka suggested.

"As long as it isn't your old man again, whatever. That guy was trying too hard to be cool." Black Star said with his feet on the desk row.

The door opened and Stein rolled in on a chair, getting the wheels stuck on door lip, and spinning on the ground and coming to a stop in front of the teacher's desk.

"Okay class, we're going to start by dissecting some frogs, should be pretty exciting." Stein said, spinning his screw.

"I take it back!" Soul said.

"This may be the first time... I've actually wanted to see my father!" Maka said, slowly crying.

"Before I forget, Jacqueline Dupre and Kimial Diehl, Lord Death wants to see you in the Death Room." Stein said, looking to the crowd.

The secret couple looked at each other with confusion before heading out.

Witch Meister, Maka AlbarnWhere stories live. Discover now