Ep. 2

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                                                (WARNING, THIS EPISODE CONTAINS BLOOD)

Though I was blindfolded I could just sense my fathers presence 

The guy seemed to grow even more mad, he seemed to raise his gun "you detective brats, how did yo-" 

He was cut off by a loud gun shot, i heard a loud thud and suddenly gloved hands were untying the chains around me, my blindfold fell to the floor, I looked up to see a tall, handsome man, with curly white hair and piercing blue eyes, he was in his usually black suit I almost immediately recognized him

He was my dad, head of the DA (detectives agency) usually when your dad saves you from being kidnapped there's a whole lot of hugging and kissing while crying but I guess in my messed up family it's different, he simply glared at me

"Ella, this is the fourth time this month you've been kidnapped"

I felt stupid for a moment, hey! It's not my fault some guys grabbed me when I was walking back from school, while putting a cloth over my mouth, making me pass out! "That's all you care about?! No, 'I'm so happy you're safe!' Or 'I don't know what I would do if I lost you'?! 

"Come on Ella, you're acting like this isn't the first time" that was true, as a head detectives daughter I'm always getting kidnapped, though it usually ended up with the kidnapper getting shot, I looked over at my kidnapper, he was on the floor passed out, there was blood on the floor around him, he must have been shot in the leg and the lose of blood made him pass out, he wasnt dead but badly injured

My dad put out a hand as I grabbed it and stood up from the chair "come on, let's go home, I have a lot to discuss with you.." damn it! I was about to get the 'why weren't you more careful?!' 'You scared me half to death!' Talk, little did I know, that 'talk' was the beginning of The most hecktick years ever..


Thank you for reading!

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