Ep. 3

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When I got home I went to the kitchen table and got a glass of water,my dad walked in behind me, he had his usually icy glare as a he sat down and began speaking

"Ella I'd like to discuss a certain... 'matter' with you.." 

I just sat there, waiting for him to speak up, when he didn't I started "and..?"

His expression clenched a bit, I knew it wasn't the way he was used to being spoken to but hey, it's my dad, plus under all of that toughness he's actually really sweet

"I.. I think I may have to send you to a different country to be safe"

I choked on my water, my dad had to pat me on the back, it was kinda cringey but finally after a few minutes I shot out a "WHAT?!"

He bite his lip, a bit of sympathy flashed over his face but he quickly changed it

"Look at you, you have several scars over your body, new AND old! I want you to be safe and have a normal life!"

Anger immediately came to my mind, I looked at the scars on my body, I had so many, I used to get bullied about it too, but when I became a 8th grader nobody seemed to really care

"But I don't care if I have to be in danger if I was to be a detective, I don't want to be some normal kid! I want to be you!"

He had a stern expression "Ella, you need to understand, I HAD to be a detective, my father and his father before him did, but you don't have to, I want you to have the chance I never had"

I gritted my teeth and put my glass of water on the table,trying to calm myself down  "is this about my grades?" The thing was even though I was able to keep up with my classes despite being kidnapped 24/7 I was dyslexic, i was failing English and math, mostly because of my condition and mostly because I sucked at them

"You're grades shouldn't be mentioned, I need you to know that this is a good decision, you'll finally be safe and you can visit me after maybe a year-" I cut him off, standing up and pushing my chair back into my seat "sorry I think this conversation is over" my dad started to stand up but stopped, maybe feeling a bit of pity on me "Ella, at least come down after a bit.." 

I simply nodded as I slowly walked to my small bedroom, I sank down on my bed and hugged the pillow, "damn.. that was... hard.." I though silently, I wrapped my body around my pillow as I thought... "this... this isn't going to be very easy as he said.."

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