Ep. 7

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                                                                                       Dads POV

The man slowly took his finger away from my daughters forehead, she slowly stopped screaming and crying, her body became limp and she passed out, though the long chains kept her arms up, the mans gaze turned to me, he smirked

"Wow, I didn't think you'd come here so fast, I didn't even get to finish-"

I raised the gun to him, gritting my teeth, my gaze softened when I saw that Ella was no longer in pain but I quickly glare back down at the man, not letting him finish speaking 

"What do you mean?! Why did you kidnap my daughter and what did you do to her?!"

He chuckled softly, before speaking. "Oh Caleb, why would I tell you that? Im not as stupid as you"

I felt anger immediately, but I kept me cool, speaking slowly, choosing my words slowly.

"Do not call me that name, you don't even have enough respect to be talking to me, but alas, answer my questions or I'll shoot"

The man laughed evily "now why would I do that? How useful would I be dead-"

"I never said I would kill you, but I won't hesitate to badly injure you, then I can torture you enough to make you confess everything, everyone cracks at some point"

The mans smirk slowly vanished, being replaced with a snarl. "Oh, so that's it? Torture me? And how exactly do you expect to catch me?"

Anger took over once again, I fired my gun right next to where he was, warning him not to move "you bastard! Are you insane enough to think you can escape?! You've got nowhere to run! I've killed all of your little buddies so don't even try to call  out to them!"

The mans smirk returned "is that supposed to intimidate me? Well lucky for me you're pretty dumb, so I might as well do this.."

Before I could answer he snapped his fingers, suddenly a thick mist surrounded him, I ran into it trying to pull him out but I grabbed nothing, soon the mist cleared and the man was gone, I cursed and turned my gaze over to my unconscious daughter

She wasn't injured but was breathing hard, she was still crying, but I knew the pain she felt want physical, the man was just manipulating her thoughts somehow to make her feel excruciating pain

I cut off the chain that held her arms up and picked her up, I walked out of the building knowing one thing, I had to get her out of this cruel city as soon as I could.

                                                                             Ella's POV 

I grunted and groaned but my eyes slowly fluttered open, the pain I had felt yesterday was gone, I looked around the room I was in, it was a car, some random guy was driving it, i waited until everything looked clearer then spoke up.

"Uh h-Hello? Where a-Are we going?"

The driver looked to see I had woken up, he slowly spoke up "you're heading to the airport, your father thinks it's not safe for you to be here-"


I tried to open the door of the car but it was locked, I was fuming, how dare he drop me off and leave me without showing his crusty ass face! That wasn't the worst bit, I couldn't even remember what had happened after I had gotten kidnapped, I only remember getting my face hit into the wall and then I ended up In the car with some random driver

I sank back into my seat in the car, the driver wasn't speaking up md just kept on driving down and unfamiliar road, as I placed my hand to the middle of the car seat I felt something, right in a crack there was a file, not just any file, a file for a case

I went to a part of the car so that the drive couldn't we what was in my hands, I slowly opened it, it looks like it was some case to be a spy, I could do that, plus it said the spy had to look about 17-18 I was close to that age, it didn't matter if I was a few inches too short, suddenly the car stopped, I hide the file under my shirt, the driver slowly opened the door for me

His gaze went to where the file was in my shirt, his expression became colder than it already was (If that was possible) "what's that under your shirt?"

I froze, but I had a way to get myself out of this situation, "I'm sorry, but are you calling me fat?"

The driver instantly began to apologize, I hide my smirk as he did, looks like I was 3 steps ahead already, the driver gave me the tickets for the plane and sent me through security, my dads assistant had packed me some bags of clothes, money, food, and the address of the house I would be staying at in the new town I was going to

I passed security then was on my way to board the plane, but decided to go to the bathroom before(cuz I was on my freaking period and my pants were literally leaking blood, plus I had the worst cramp ever😭) I entered the bathroom, soon I was done and washing my hands, the door was locked as I looked back down at the files in my hand

I could go on that plane knowing I would never end up being my dream, or I could potentially mess up, make my love ones mad, have a chance to fail my mission or get caught but get to be my dream, I looked back at the plane who was now boarding passengers, I looked back at the file in my hand...

Then went on the plane and never ended up being a detective, the end!😃

Just kidding, I did the stupid thing, one I would regret later, I slung my bag over my shoulder and slowly walked out of the airport, I got a cab and slowly headed to one of my dads many houses(we had to move a lot) I knew he wouldn't look here, it was one of the ones he hated most, i entered the room and looked through the files again

"Hmm.. Brody... Pisney..?

Damnnnnn!!! 1000 wordsss! The past chapters have been less than 600, this is a lot to write for me so I hope you enjoy! Also I'm trying to post twice everyday,  but I might not Tommorow since I have a lot of important stuff to work on.. anyway please comment your theoryies for the next episode and comments on how it played out, is Ella right? Or is her dad right? I mean if I was her I would leave that town in a few seconds, also I have a webtoon if anyone cares, it's kinda connected to this one, if anyone cares it's called Cobble Prime, please check it out that would help me a lot!

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