Ep. 4

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My name is Ella Schwart, I'm currently 16 years old and a junior at my high school, I have blonde hair with a purple streek, with dark green eyes, I wear contacts and only sometimes glasses, despite other kids, my dad is one of the head detectives at his agency, as his daughter I'm alway getting kidnapped, though they always find me in time I usually get a decent amount of scars from each, i used to get bullied for my arms always being so scratched up, then after 8th grade people kinda lost interest and I became quite shy, usually sitting outside alone at lunch, yes, a few people tried to talk to me some times but they all ended up just abandoning me after they find a different friend, I usually hang out in the house and try to ditch school whenever I can, though my dad didn't really like that.. but hey! It's kinda hard to study with dyslexia! Plus I hate all of the teachers, I mean who doesn't? But I want to be just like my dad, I want to solve cases and fight people! (Yes it sounds very aggressive but trust me, you would too when you saw one of those battles!) unlike being kidnapped literally all day and getting yelled at by my dad, to be honest I love him and all but I really wish he wouldn't really try to block me from my dreams and goals since they're too 'dangerous' my dad wasn't always like that, a few years ago, when I was 11 I was at school when it happened, getting yelled at by some ugly ass teacher, one thing you need to know, my mom was a detective too but since she was a powerful mans wife was also a captive, but before my dad could get to her, the kidnapper explode the whole freaking building, killing him, and my mom in it, my dad was badly injured but he had literally watched my mom die so I guess he got some traumaaaaa👁👄👁✨✨✨✨✨ so slayyyy

                                                      (Dads POV)

I sighed irritatedly, it had been almost an hour and she still hadn't come downstairs, I started walking up the steps, slowly opening her door, I expected her to tell me to 'go away' or something else, but to my surprise she was snoring quietly and hugging her pillow, in a deep sleep, I smiled, though this kid was a pain in the ass she was still so much like a Cute kid sometimes, I slowly stroked her hair as I sat on the end of her bed, though I had a very dangerous job I had a soft spot for my family, I couldn't get her involved with it, no.. after all, all she does is get kidnapped which is a huge pain for me, plus she always comes home bleeding, I looked out the small window in her tiny room, finally I put the covers over her and kissed her forehead, whispering in her ear before I left 

                               "Don't worry Ella I'll make sure you'll end up safe.."

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