I mEp. 6

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                                                                                  Dads POV:

I was in my office, working on some murder case, suddenly the door opened, a lower level detective walked in, holding a file in his hand, he had black short hair and seemed nervous 

"s-Sir I uh- have something to give you.. it's about your daughter.."

I sighed, damn it, how many times would I kid get kidnapped this month?! I put out my hand to grab the files from his hand, I looked at it, it contained a few pictures of a cloaked figure carrying my unconscious daughter down and alley way

"Where is he taking her!? Why do the photos just cut off?!"

The lower level detective spoke silently, he rubbed his elbow with his hand, looking very weakly 

"The cameras just.. just stop working as soon as the kidnapper grabs her.. also the tracker you put in her clothes also stopped working.."

I put the files down on the table, pinching the bridge of my nose, trying to keep my anger in

"How long ago was this?"

About 30 minutes ago s-sir.. I meant to tell you sooner but half of the devices in the agency stopped working.."

I stood up, pushing my chair back in place, heading for the door in my office.

"Sir..? where are you-"

I cut him off, "I'm going to go save my daughter, this kidnapper is hardcore, it's best not to wait too long, they could get anywhere in 30 minutes."

"b-But sir, do you need someone to come with y-?"

I cut him off again as I walked out of the room, "she's my daughter, not yours, I'm doing this alone, even if it is a trap, you know my location." And with that I shut the door, heading to find out wherever the heck my daughter was..

                                                                          Ellas POV  

I Woke up suddenly, my vision was foggy from hitting the concrete so hard, I winced as a headache came on, I looked around, my arms were chained upwards, I was in what looked like a dark room, it had a small bed and a door, the door looked locked, I sighed and struggled with the chains a bit, I felt bored, i studied the room, suddenly some one came in

I expected another dark figure as i saw before but this guys face was out in the open, he was smirking, looking down at me, he had straight white hair that fell over his face, it was long and in a ponytail 

he had purple eyes which gleamed with the little sunlight coming in through the now opened door

He walked up to me, squatting down to be at eye level, he tilted his head, as if observing me

"So you woke up? Damn, now this is going to be 10 times more painful for you"

I felt frozen when he said that, but gritted my teeth and snared at him, like, who did this crusty ass kidnapper think he was?! Like, bro, you ain't special, I've had like 900 threats like that before, but still my dad would probably want me to ask the big question, "what exactly do you mean?"

His eyes and smirk grew when he heard my answer "want me to show you?"

Before I could answer he put one of his cold fingers on the middle of my forehead

At first I felt nothing, but suddenly I felt unbearable pain, like I was in a burning building, the pain grew as I screamed out in pain, tears streamed down my face as I felt progressively weaker, I wanted to pass out from this unbearable pain but I fought back, who knows what they had planned if I fell back into the darkness of my mind?

 The pain only grew as I kept fighting back, as I felt I couldn't hold on any longer the door next to the room I was in opened violently, suddenly my dad, covered in blood, holding a  gun in his left hand, a knife in his other, he looked pissed, he had to, to have that much blood on him, he pointed the gun at the man who had one of his fingers on my forehead, making me feel so much pain which increased, my dad slowly spoke in a very pissed off tone

"Get your fingers of my damn daughter or this is going to hurt"

(Authors note:) danggggg longest chapter I made so farrrrrrrr, hope you enjoy!! 

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